Climate and nature of Great Britain Climate and nature of Great Britain Climate The climate in Great Britain is generally mild and temperate due to the influence of the Gulf Stream. The south-wes...
Moscow Moscow Moscow is the capital of Russia. The city is located in western Russia and lies in the broad, shallow valley of the Moskva River, a tributary of the Oka and thus of the Volga, in th...
A Family of Scientists A Family of Scientists George Boole was born in 1815; he is famous for his works an the field of mathematical analysis. His wife Mary Everest was a niece of George Everest....
Edison Edison Edison is known as one of the greatest inventors of his time. He invented so much that it is difficult to say which of his achievements is the greatest. He was an experimenter and a...
Leipzig als eine Messestadt Leipzig als eine Messestadt Seit der Grndung ist Leipzig wegen seiner gnstigen Lage ein Handelsplatz zwischen Ost und West. Jetzt hat Leipzig schon die Bedeutung einer...
Gesetzgebung in der Bundesrepublik Gesetzgebung in der Bundesrepublik In der Bundesrepublik ist die Staatsgewalt zwischen Bund und Lndem aufgeteilt. Als oberste gesetzgebende Gewalt berat und ver...
Die mundliche Verhandlung. Die Einigung der Parteien Die mndliche Verhandlung. Die Einigung der Parteien Die Leitimg der mndlichen Verhandlung obliegt dem Vorsitzenden des Gerichts. Nach dem Aufr...
In der Bibliothek In der Bibliothek Die grbte Bibliothek der Gegenwart ist die Lenin-Bibliothek in Moskau. Sie befindet sich in der Karl-Marx-Strabe und hat zwei Gebude: das alte und das neue. De...
Period of lithuanian and polish rule (1360-1599) Period of lithuanian and polish rule (1360-1599) Report: Roman Balan Lutsk 2002 The Lithuanian princes were reasonable rulers; in some cases they...
Das heutige Berlin Das heutige Berlin Berlin ist die Hauptstadt und die grbte Stadt Deutschlands. Die Stadt hat etwa 3,5 Millionen Einwohner und erstreckt sich ber 889 Quadratkilometer. Sie liegt...
Aids in Africa Aids in Africa Iulia Pariniuc Stoneleigh-Burnham School AIDS is becoming one of the most important problems of the modern world. According to “AIDS Epidemic Update 2000” and the Wo...
American Federalism in 1990s. American Federalism in 1990s. While it would be an overstatement to suggest that the average American has a clear concept of meaning of federalism in 1994, there is...
Aus Lenins Leben Aus Lenins Leben W.I.Lenin ist der Schpfer der bolschewistischen Partei, der Begrnder des ersten sozialistischen Staates in der Welt. W.I.Uljanow (Lenin) wurde am 22. April in Si...
quot;Історія Русів” – виразник політичних поглядів автономістів Історія Русів” – виразник політичних поглядів автономістів Реферат виконав студент МТм-11 Кубай Олег Міністерство Освіти України Ль...
ETS450WLL Wireless Access System ETS450WLL Wireless Access System Flexible and Highly Adaptable Macro Cellular Networking The adoption of FDMA and macro cellular mode enables the ETS450WLL wirele...
Die zentralen Bundesorgane: Der Bundesrat Die zentralen Bundesorgane: Der Bundesrat Die Funktionsweise des zentralen staatlichen Mechanismus wird mageblich vom fderalen Staatsaufbau der BRD geprg...
Bundesprasident: Funktionen bei der Gesetzgebung und bei der Verwaltung Bundesprsident: Funktionen bei der Gesetzgebung und bei der Verwaltung Der Bundesprsident wirkt staatsrechtlich bei der Ges...
Moskau Moskau Die Hauptstadt unserer Heimat wurde mehr als vor 850 Jahren angelegt. Die Stadt entstand aus einem keinen Dorf an der Neglinka. Im Zentrum wurde der Kreml gebaut. In kurzer Zeit wur...
Die Organisation des Bundestages Die Organisation des Bundestages Die wichtigsten Organe des Bundestages sind: das Bundestagsplenum, der Bundestagsprsident, der ltestenrat, der Vorstand und die A...
Cтановище дітей та молоді в зарубіжних країнах C тановище дітей та молоді в зарубіжних країнах Міжнародно-правовий захист прав та інтересів дітей та молоді. Вперше міжнародну стурбованість положе...
Aus der Geschichte Berlins Aus der Geschichte Berlins Berlin ist die Hauptstadt und die grbte Stadt Deutschlands. Die Stadt hat etwa 3,5 Millionen Einwohner und erstreckt sich ber 889 Quadratkilo...
British vs. American English British vs. American English Introduction Torsten Daerr English is spoken in many countries either as the mother tongue or as a second language. That’s why instead of...
George Washington Report [pic] GEORGE WASHINGTON Executed: Gadjimagomedova H. Examined: Akhmedova Z.G. Makhachkala 2001 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Early Career 3. French and Indian War 4. Life a...
Mademoiselle Chanel Mademoiselle Chanel Apres 40 ans de regne sur la mode, Gabrielle Chanel, plus connue sous le nom de Coco Chanel s’est eteinte a Paris le 10 janvier 1970, a l’age de 87 ans. Ne...
Les freres Montgolfier Les freres Montgolfier La petite ville d’Annonay, dans le midi de la France, est celebre pour son industrie du papier. Au XVIII-e siecle, une des plus grandes papeteries ap...
Geological Time Scale Geological Time Scale Few discussions in geology can occur without reference to geologic time. Geologic time is often dicussed in two forms: Relative time (chronostratic) --...
Mein letzter Kinobesuch Mein letzter Kinobesuch Das Wochenende ist gekommen. Nun wollen wir den Alltag vergessen und etwas Schnes erleben. Ich rufe meinen Freund Andrey an, um ihn an unsere Verab...
Die Wahl des Bundeskanzlers. Das Mitrauensvotum Die Wahl des Bundeskanzlers. Das Mitrauensvotum Die Wahl im Bundestag ist an ein kompliziertes dreigngiges Wahlverfahren gebunden: 1. Wahlgang: Der...
Die Geschichte Leipzigs Die Geschichte Leipzigs Leipzig ist eine Stadt der Vielfalt, eine Stadt der Messe, des Buches, der Wissenschaft, der Musik. Leipzig wurde 1015 als Handwerker- und Kaufmann...
Meine Ferien Meine Ferien Ich freue mich schon auf die Sommerferien. Die Sommerferien ist die beste Zeit im Leben der Studenten. Es gibt viele verschiedene Mglichkeiten, die Zeit grobartig zu ver...
Criminology Criminology Criminology is an advanced, theoretical field of study. It can be defined as the study of crime, the causes of crime (etiology), the meaning of crime in terms of law, and...
Ocoбенности выражения благодарности в иностранном языке ( на примере английского языка) Ocoбенности выражения благодарности в иностранном языке ( на примере английского языка) Введение Вербальном...
My working day My working day On week days I usually get up nearly seven o'clock. I do not like to get up early, but I have to, because I have a lot of work to do during the day. I do my morning...
My breakfast My breakfast It is not a secret that our meals influence much on our health and our mood. That’s why I consider breakfast to be the most important meal in the day as it is the first...
Cinema Cinema In England the cinema is usually called “the pictures”. In America the word “the movies” is often used. Cinema-going is a favourite pastime in Britain. People go to the cinema once...
Health Health When we are ill, we call a doctor, and he examines us and diagnoses the illness. When we have a headache, a stomach ache, a sore throat, a cold, or a pain in some parts of the body,...
Estonian Towns Estonian Towns Narva The city of Narva is located in Northeastern Estonia, on the border between Estonia and Russia, 210 km from Tallinn and 150 km from St. Petersburg. Every town...
Micki Mager selbst Micki Mager selbst Micki Mager war ein 15-jhriger Junge. Er war ein Waise. Seine Mutter war tot, sein Vater vermit. Er war von 3 Schwestern erzogen, die er fr seine Tanten hiel...
Micki Mager und seine Freunde (“Bergfreunde”) Micki Mager und seine Freunde (“Bergfreunde”) Das “Bergfreunde-Haus” war eine Jugendorganisation, die gegen Faschismus und fr Friede in der ganzen We...
British holidays British holidays There are a number of holidays, which are celebrated in Great Britain every year. One of them is, of course, New Year's Day on the first of January. It is not so...
Great Britain Great Britain Great Britain is situated on the British Isles. It consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, and is one thirtieth the size of Europe. Great Britain is...
My district and my flat My district and my flat As you know, Vladivostok, the capital of the Primorsky region, occupies the peninsula of Murav’ev-Amursky which is washed by Amur and Ussuri gulfs....
Country-side Country-side Nature has always been a favourite theme for poets. Storms and adventures on the sea have inspired them to write stirring verses. Great forests have led them to write so...
A holyday which went wrong A holyday which went wrong Сергей Голубев ]Couple of weeks ago I decided that I really need a vacation. So I thought that a nice beach and hot sun is exactly what I nee...
Keeping our environment clean Keeping our environment clean Many years ago people lived in harmony with the environment because industry was not much developed. Now the situation is quite differe...
My favorite writer My favorite writer My favorite writer is Ernest Hemingway. He will al-ways be remembered as a writer of prose in which every word had meaning and where nothing was wasted. His...
Culture in Great Britain Culture in Great Britain It you're staying in London for a few days, you'll have no difficulty whatever in finding somewhere to spend an enjoyable evening. You'll find op...
A new weapon shooting from behind a corner is invented in Israel A new weapon shooting from behind a corner is invented in Israel A new pistol from which it is possible to shoot in literal sense...
New York New York New York is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is over 11 million people. New York is an industrial and cultural centre of the country. Most business is cent...
My favourite holiday My favourite holiday Many great holidays and anniversaries are celebrated in our country. On the 1st of May there is May Day — the holiday of spring and labour. On the 8th of...
Education in Russia Education in Russia Citizens of Russia have the right to education which is guaranteed by the Constitution. The public educational system in our country incorporates pre-schoo...
Learning a foreign language Learning a foreign language Foreign languages are absolutely necessary for us nowadays because of our growing international contacts with all the countries of the worl...
Leisure time Leisure time It is not easy to say exactly what teenagers in different countries do in their leisure time. I think that, in the main our interests and tastes do not differ very much....
Edison Edison Edison is known as one of the greatest inventors of his time. He invented so much that it is difficult to say which of his achievements is the greatest. He was an experimenter and a...
Keeping fit Keeping fit The fitness boom of the past decades led to a big rise in the numbers of people participating in sports and activities. Those who pursue the latest fitness fashion are con...
Leisure Leisure When we have time for leisure, we usually need something that can amuse and interest us. There are several ways to do this. People use radio or television. They switch on the radi...
Learning languages Learning languages Language is the means of communication. The most common way of expressing an idea for people is to say it out loud. Language enables people to understand eac...
Choosing the future profession Choosing the future profession The problem of choosing the future profession has always been very important. The profession a person chooses in many ways determines...
20-th century music styles 20-th century music styles The 20-th century is by all means considered to be the most influential period of time in the development of music. In the 20-th century ther...
A Family of Scientists A Family of Scientists George Boole was born in 1815; he is famous for his works an the field of mathematical analysis. His wife Mary Everest was a niece of George Everest....
Polysemy In The Semantic Field Of Movement In The English Language Polysemy In The Semantic Field Of Movement In The English Language Introduction One of the long-established misconceptions about...
About myself About myself My name is Peter Sidorov. I am 14 years old. I was born in Moscow, where I am still living. Our family is rather large. There are five of us: my mother, my father, my br...
New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand, an independent state and a member of the Commonwealth, is situated south-east from Australia. The country consists of three large islands and also many small...
My flat My flat My family and I live in Rostov-on-Don. We live in ... street. Our house is modem (old), it has ... floors. Our flat is on the ... floor. There is a (no) lift in our house. There a...
Newspapers and magazines Newspapers and magazines Newspapers and magazines play a very important part in our life. Practically there is no family that does not read them. We can learn many things...
London London London — the capital of Great Britain is situated on the Thames River. It is the largest city in Europe with a population of eight and a quarter million. It is divided into four par...
Education in GB Education in GB I know English boys and girls begin to go to school (it is called infant) at five; at seven they go to junior schools or departments; at eleven they go to secondar...
A visit to a sick friend A visit to a sick friend Everybody can fall ill with any disease. Fortunately, only cold and flu are quite frequent in our city among infectious illnesses. They are rathe...
Olympic games in London Olympic games in London London was host for the first time in 1908. With 1,500 competitors from 19 nations, the Games were by now an institution of world-wide significance...
Meals and cooking Meals and cooking When we cook, we boil, roast, fry or stew our food. We boil eggs, meat, chicken, fish, milk, water and vegetables. We fry eggs, fish and vegetables. We stew fi...
Education in Russia Education in Russia In Russia children begin going to school at the age of seven. First they study at the elementary school. It lasts three or four years. At the elementary sc...
Means of communication Means of communication People use various means of communication to get from one place to another. In the old days people had to travel several days, weeks and months to ge...
My future profession My future profession There are a lot of interesting and useful professions. I am going to become a teacher. I suppose my future profession to be one of the most important now...
New Year New Year New Year is the principal winter holiday, as opposed to Christmas. It is universally recognized as such by both secular and religious people. Whereas New Year is mostly an occas...
English country-side English country-side England looks like one great well-ordered park. The hedges surrounding the gardens look beautiful in spring. In summer when they are covered with leaves...
Art, museums and galleries Art, museums and galleries People reflect their life in art. Real, live art appeals to the heart and mind of man, to his feelings and ideals and it proclaims life. Art...
Moscow Theatres Moscow Theatres For decades Moscow has had a reputation as a city of theatres. The birth plays of the historic Bolshoy, Maly and Moscow Art theatres the city has been and steel is...
English schools English schools English children must go to school when they are five. First they go to infant schools, where they learn the first steps in reading, writing and using numbers. Whe...
My last day off My last day off Yesterday it was Sunday, that’s why my last day off was not long ago and I remember it quite well. I always try to do my best to make my holidays really exciting,...
quot;Moscow Newsquot; Moscow News Moscow News is a national weekly newspaper. The first issue of it came out in October 5. 1930. Its circulation is about 50,000 copies. The newspaper is printed b...
Newspaper Newspaper Kudrukla 13-1 Narva-Jesuu 29022 Ida-Virumaa, Estonia 27 September, 2002 Karja 18V-17 Narva-Jesuu 29021 Ida-Virumaa, Estonia Dear Dan, Thank you for the letter that you have wr...
Good Teacher Good Teacher All the people are needed, all the people are important. Any school can’t manage without a good teacher. It is a prestige and a reputation of an educational institution....
Choosing a Career Choosing a Career Choosing a career is like any other activity; it is best to work to a plan. Too many people start looking for a specific job before thinking out their occupati...
Advertisement Kudrukla 13-1 Narva-Jesuu 29022 Ida-Virumaa, Estonia Advertisement 27 September, 2002 Karja 18V-17 Narva-Jesuu 29021 Ida-Virumaa, Estonia Dear Max, Thank you for the letter that you...
British theatres British theatres Until recently the history of the English theatre has been build around actors rather then companies. It has been hard to find any London theatre that even had a...
My family My family Our family is large (small, not very large). We are the family of seven (two, three, four, five, six): my mother, my father, my grandmother, my grandfather, my sister, my brot...
Moscow Moscow Moscow is the capital of Russia. It is the seat of the highest bodies of state authority. Moscow was founded in 1147 by Yuri Dolgoruky. In the 15th century Moscow became the capital...
Arts Arts - Are you fond of arts? - Yes, I am. I am fond of arts. I really enjoy everything that is aesthetically beautiful. I like painting, sculpture, and architecture. I am also fond of music,...
Andrei Sakharov Andrei Sakharov (1921-89) There are many outstanding people in our country. Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov is one of them. He was born on the 21st of May in 1921. His parents were te...
Outstanding people Outstanding people - Who glorified Russia? - Every country is proud of its outstanding people. Russia can be really proud of its great people. Russian scientists and inventors...
Education and future profession Education and future profession - What are you going to do after finishing secondary school? - After finishing secondary school I shall go on to further education....
Culture of the youth Culture of the youth - What is implied under culture? - Culture is known to have many meanings. One of them refers to the spiritual and material achievements of humanity. On...
Presents in Russia and America Presents in Russia and America Presents in Russia are generally a thing intended to be shrouded in mystery and surprise. In America, it is not uncommon to simply re...
My school My school I have just finished school number ... My school is (not) very new and modem and (but) it is very conformable and all the pupils like it very much, it is really home for every...
British and American Families British and American Families British and American families are small. In fact the populations of both Britain and the USA have stopped growing. The typical family h...
English traditions English traditions If you arrive in Great Britain you'll hear the word “tradition” everywhere. Englishmen have sentimental love for things and traditions. They never throw away...
MESM MESM MESM was conceived by S.A.Lebedev to be a model of a Big Electronic Computing Machine (BESM). At first it was called the Model of the Big Electronic Computing Machine, but ,later, in th...
Examining english business letters EXAMINING ENGLISH BUSINESS LETTERS Now let's turn to the practical point of writing business letters. They may be divided into official and semi-official. The f...
Business letters throught lexics BUSINESS LETTERS THROUGHT LEXICS From the lexicological point of view isolated words and phrases mean very little. In context they mean a great deal, and in the s...
Conflicts of interest in corporate transactions CONFLICTS OF INTEREST IN CORPORATE TRANSACTIONS 1.DUTY OF LOYALTY --because of their fiduciary relationship with the corp, officers and dirs have t...
Hobby (Travelling) Hobby (Travelling) People on our planet can’t live without travel now. Tourism has become a highly developed business. There are express trains, cars and jet-air liners all of...
KOREA People and History in Harmony KOREA People and History in Harmony Introduction In the past two decades, Korea has been one of the fastest developing nations in the world - both in economic...
Insider trading INSIDER TRADING a)Who may be hurt by insider trading: 1)Target shareholders--they sell too early; 2)Other arbitrageurs--they lose a portion of the gain that they make from honest...
English language English language Concerns to West-German group Indo-European of languages. In English speak and use in state office-work, literature and science, about 200 millions the person -...
English Course Work on Newspaper Reading English Course Work on Newspaper Reading The headline of the article I have read is Kleinwort Wins Rosneft Price Tender. This article is written by Jeanne...
Ireland and the Continent Ireland and the Continent At first glance, Ireland, as an offshore island off an offshore island on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, remote, romantic and untrodden by the...
International Raw Materials Market International Raw Materials Market Introduction Raw Materials - A natural of semifinished god that is used in manufacturing or processing to make some other goo...
Allocation of powers between directors and shareholders ALLOCATION OF POWERS BETWEEN DIRECTORS AND SHAREHOLDERS 1.MANAGEMENT OF CORPORATION’S BUSINESS --corporate statutes vest the power to manag...
Liabilities for transactions before incorporation LIABILITIES FOR TRANSACTIONS BEFORE INCORPORATION A.PROMOTERS--a promoter participates in the formation of the corp, usually arranging compliance...
Organizing the corporation ORGANIZING THE CORPORATION A.FORMALITIES IN ORGANIZING CORPORATION . 1.CERTIFICATE OR ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION --state law governs the content of the articles, which a...
London - the capital of Great Britain London - the capital of Great Britain When we think of Paris, Rome. Madrid, Lisbon and other European capitals, we think of them as cities'. When we think of...
British traditional holidays British traditional holidays Great Britain is famous for its old traditions. Some of them existed in ancient times and survived through centuries. Some of them appear...
Directors’ rights, duties, and liabilities DIRECTORS’ RIGHTS, DUTIES, AND LIABILITIES a)Right to Inspect Corporate Records--if done in good faith for purposes germane to his position as dir, this...
Characteristics of a corporation CHARACTERISTICS OF A CORPORATION A.PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS OF A CORPORATION a)Entity Status--a corporation is a legal entity created under the authority of legi...
Disregard of corporate entity DISREGARD OF CORPORATE ENTITY 1.PIERCING THE CORPORATE VEIL --(Suits by corporate creditors against shs)--it’s more common in contract claims than in tort claims. Th...
My daily programme My daily programme 3 topics I get up at 7 o'clock in the morning. I do my morning exercises, wash myself and dress. Then I sit down to breakfast. At 8 o'clock I leave home and...
Moscow Moscow In March of 1918 Moscow became the capital. The supreme organs of state power and many central institutions moved to Moscow from Petrograd. It was extremely difficult in the years o...
Climate of Great Britain Climate of Great Britain The climate in Great Britain is generally mild and temperate due to the influence of the Gulf Stream. The south-western winds carry the warmth an...
Customs and traditions of English speaking countries Customs and traditions of English speaking countries Every country and every nation has it's own traditions and customs. It's very important t...
Entertainment Entertainment I am fond of good books and good music, and when I have some time to spare, I like to go to the theatre or a concert. There are more than a dozen very good orchestras...
Books and Reading Books and Reading Books can fit almost every need, temper, or interest. Books can be read when you are in the mood; they don't have to be taken in periodic doses. Books are more...
My working day My working day. I usually start my day with getting up and doing all things that everybody does in the morning: washing, having breakfast, etc. Also, I got used to gather my learni...
Mathematical Formulas for Calculation of Newtonian Constant of Gravitation G How Many Physical Constants are Truly Fundamental? Dr. Nikolay Kosinov Annotation To main fundamental constants scient...
How Many Physical Constants are Truly Fundamental? Internal Structure of a Proton and New Method of Receiving of Energy Dr. N.V. Kosinov, V. I. Garbaruk INTRODUCTION The proton was discovered in...
Internal Structure of a Proton and New Method of Receiving of Energy Вычитание сил инерции и тяготения к.ф-м.н. Рыков А.В. Гравитационные, инерционные, электрические и магнитные взаимодействия с...
Business Trips Business Trips Never before in the history of the world have businessmen traveled so much as they do today. It is not surprising because we are living in a world of growing interna...
Holidays, Travel and Tourism Holidays, Travel and Tourism For most people there is no problem in deciding how they are going to spend the money they earn - it all goes on housing, food, clothes,...
Choosing a Career Choosing a Career Choosing a career is like any other activity; it is best to work to a plan. Too many people start looking for a specific job before thinking out their occupati...
Problems of the youth Problems of the youth Youth is a very important period in the life of man. This is the time when a person discovers the world and tries to determine the place in the univers...
Christmas Christmas The word Christmas is derived from the words Christ's Mass - the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. But although Christmas is undoubtedly a Christian celebration, it is...
Outstanding personalities Outstanding personalities Russia gave the world a lot of great writers, artists, musicians, philosophers, sportsmen, and politicians. The names of Russian scientists and...
Biosphere 2 studies reflect real world changes BIOSPHERE 2 STUDIES REFLECT REAL WORLD CHANGES UniSci Science News University Science 19-Apr-1999 Levels of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas found i...
Advantages and disadvantages of television Advantages and disadvantages of television Television is one of the greatest achievements of the 20-th century. It is the most popular part of mass medi...
Public holydays in Great Britain Public holydays in Great Britain There are only six public holidays a year in Great Britain, that is days on which people need not go in to work. They are: Christ...
Environmental problems Environmental problems The poisoning of the world's land, air, and water is the fastest-spreading disease of civilization. It probably produces fewer headlines than wars, e...
My first journey My first journey. For some people there is nothing so exciting as traveling, and I’m not an exception. And I’m happy that I have traveled a lot and I hope that my first journey w...
My grandmother country house My grandmother country house. You are lucky if you have grandmother in the country to go to. Visiting our old relatives gives us excellent chance to become children a...
New Years day in England New Year's day in England The celebration of New Year's day varies according to the district. In the south of England, the festival of Christmas, lasting 12 days from Dec...
How did I spend last summer? How did I spend last summer? I think summer is the best season for rest because it is warm, the nature is beautiful and we have great opportunities for rest. Summer i...
A Comparison between Beowulf Redcrosse Knight A Comparison between Beowulf we can never take the credit for God’s victory. Another similarity of both these warriors are rewards for being heroes,...
My English Studies My English Studies Today it is quite evident that everyone should know at least one foreign language. Knowing one or more foreign languages makes it possible to get acquainted...
My Favourite Writer My Favourite Writer I'm fond of reading. My favourite writer is William Somerset Maugham and I would like to tell about his biography. William Somerset Maugham was born in 187...
Moscow Moscow Moscow is the capital of Russia, its political, economic, commercial and cultural center. It was founded 8 centuries ago by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky in 1147. Gradually the city became...
CometsLogic english Comets&Logic 1. INTRODUCTION The year of 1986 is the Halley comet year. The history of cometology retained the following curious case. In 1910, when its (i.e. the Halley comet...
My school-2 My school -2 First of all I'd like to tell you about my school which I've just left. My school is one of the specialized schools in Moscow. It is famous for its high-quality education...
Notre-Dame de Paris french Notre-Dame de Paris Au milieu de la Seine se trouve l'ile de la Citй qui est reliйe aux deux rives par huit ponts. La Citй attire les Franзais et les йtrangers par sa g...
New York. Places of interest New York. Places of interest. Although New York is not the capital of the United States, it is the biggest and most important city of the country. New York is situate...
American Revolution and War for Independence American Revolution and War for Independence Introduction This paper is dedicated to the history of American Revolution and the War for Independence....
Aaliyah (Haughton) 1979 -- 2001 english Aaliyah (Haughton) 1979 -- 2001 Singer, actress. Born Aaliyah Dana Haughton, on January 16, 1979, in Brooklyn, New York. Raised in Detroit, Michigan, the y...
Agatha Christie Agatha Christie Agatha Christie was sure the world’s best selling crime writer. Moreover, she was an immensely prolific writer. 79 shot stories, 4 non-fiction ones and 19 plays we...
My school My school I had just left school and I would like to tell you a few words about it. I went to school in 1988. This school I studied in is a three stored building. When you enter the sch...
Happy New Year Happy New Year At midnight on 31st December bells will ring out around the world to welcome the New Year. Although certain countries and religions calculate time by other calendars...
Kuwait Kuwait The middle Eastern nation of Kuwait is the second most prosperous country in the world. It i sthe area's third-largest producer of oil, surpassed only by Saudi Arabia and Iran. Kuwa...
Air pollution Air Pollution Air, is the most essential element for all living organisms and yet, most humans play a big role on polluting this essential resource. Air pollution may not be as dang...
Food english Theme: “Food” Student: Sophy (IX form) Teacher: Smirnova T. V. Kostanai, 2002 P L A N: 1. Food celebrates life. 2. Food nourishes language. 3. Food for different cultures: a. From la...
Alcohol and the Workplace Alcohol and the Workplace Drinking among U.S. workers can threaten public safety, impair job performance, and result in costly medical, social, and other problems affect...
A Little information about Turkmenistan english A Little information about Turkmenistan An Essay By Mekan Melyayev English Composition 121 January 30, 2002 What is the first thought that comes to...
My favourite TV program My favourite TV program The most popular entertainment in our home life is television. We have a choice between five channels ORT, RTR and 3 commercial channels. There is...
My School-Day My School-Day On Monday I usually wake up late and have no time to eat my breakfast. I can't find my books and my school cap. At last I find my books in the bathroom and find my cap...
Holidays in Great Britain Holidays in Great Britain There are some holidays in G.B. They are Christmas day, Boxing Day, new years day, Easter, mayday, spring bank holiday and simmer bank holiday....
My family My family I am Zhilin Andrey. Andrey is my name and Zhilin is my surname. I am seventeen years old. I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is not large. I have got mo...
Bread in our life Bread in our life Bread is more than just a food. Just think of how the word is used: A person’s “bread and butter” is his or her main source of sustenance, while bread or dough...
Cities of the USA Cities of the USA Amounts large and famous American cities are Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York. Washington is the capital of the USA. It i...
From the land called Beringia FROM THE LAND CALLED BERINGIA Origins of Alaska’s Native Groups No one knows exactly when people first found the land that would be called Alaska. Some anthropologis...
American and British Schools American and British Schools In America, all children from six to sixteen go to school. They spend six years in elementary school, and four or six years in secondary...
Cultural imperialism and cultural diplomacy Cultural imperialism and cultural diplomacy Introduction Perhaps, “cultural imperialism” and “cultural diplomacy” are sufficiently young, but it concer...
At the Theatre At the Theatre I will never forget my first visit to the Bolshoy Theatre. It was ages ago, but this stands out in my memory quiet vividly. My mother bought beforehand two tickets f...
Pets in Britain Pets in Britain The English people like animals very much. Pet: dogs, cats, horses, ducks, canaries, chickens and other friends of men have a much better life in Britain, than any...
Fenist The Bright Falcon Fenist The Bright Falcon Once upon a time there lived a peasant. His wife died and left him three daughters. The old man wanted to hire a servant-girl to help about the h...
Ilya Murometz Ilya Murometz Ilya Murometz is the most famous of the mighty warriors, known as Bogatyrs, of the Russian Bilyny legends. This legendary hero was unable to move during his first 33 y...
English idioms English idioms Differences and Usage in American English and British English If you look up the word idiom in Webster, you will be given the following definition: Idiom is an expre...
Lomonosov Lomonosov Mike Lomonosov is the father of the Russian sciences and outstanding poet the founder of Russian literature. M.L. was born in 1711 in Arhangelsk province. He liked to spend hi...
Moscow Moscow Moscow is a capital of Russia, it’s political, economic, commercial and cultural center. It was founded 8 centuries age by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Gradually the city becomes more and...
At the Doctors At the Doctors It is winter now. It is often cold. I can't say that I can stand colds. So, sometime ago I suddenly fell ill. I mounted a high temperature. I had a running nose and...
Learning languages Learning languages The problem of learning languages is very important today. Foreign languages are socially demanded especially at the present time when the progress in scienc...
Meanness Laws Effect on Jeromes Characters Meanness Laws' Effect on Jerome's Characters. If anything can do wrong, it will! If Jay or Harris or George dwelled on their motto it would sound like t...
My school My school The school where I studied is situated not far from my house. It's a modem four-storeyed building of a typical design. In front of the school there is a big sportsground, behi...
My flat My flat I live in a 5-stored block of flats in Yushno – Sakhalinsk. It’s not a very picturesque plaice but we have a yard and a Kodak Express under the window. My flat is on the third flo...
I Go to School I Go to School It's September 1, 1999, and I went to school today. It is a solemn occasion. This day, the opening of the school year, is probably one of the most Important days in...
Leisure time Leisure time - What do you usually do in your leisure time? - Unfortunately, as I have not had much free time this year, I have done my best to spend it wisely. It is known, that peo...
Mark Twain (1835-1910) english Mark Twain (1835-1910 ) Pseudonym of Samual langhorn Clemens Early life Susy, Mark Twain’s daughter began the biography of her father when she was fourteen years ol...
Harri Jogisalu english Tallinna Mustame Reaalgmnaasium Tallinn 2000 BIOGRAAFIA Ta on prit Lnemaalt, Paadremaa Rsmaalt, kus sndis 1922. aasta augustikuu 24. peval. Rsmaa oli vana talu, mida tema i...
Proclus Diadochus Proclus Diadochus Born: 8 Feb 411 in Constantinople (now Istanbul), Byzantium (now Turkey) Died: 17 April 485 in Athens, Greece Proclus's father, Particius, and his mother, Marc...
Johannes Kepler Johannes Kepler Born: 27 Dec 1571 in Weil der Stadt, Wrttemberg, Holy Roman Empire (now Germany) Died: 15 Nov 1630 in Regensburg (now in Germany) Johannes Kepler is now chiefly re...
Nicolaus Copernicus Nicolaus Copernicus Born: 19 Feb 1473 in Torun, Poland Died: 24 May 1543 in Frombork, Poland Nicolaus Copernicus is the Latin version of the famous astronomer's name which cho...
Henry More Henry More Born: Oct 1614 in Grantham, Lincolnshire, England Died: 1 Sept 1687 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England Henry More's father was Alexander More who had been mayor of Granth...
David Hilbert David Hilbert Born: 23 Jan 1862 in Knigsberg, Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia) Died: 14 Feb 1943 in Gttingen, Germany David Hilbert attended the gymnasium in his home town of Knigs...
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz Born: 1 July 1646 in Leipzig, Saxony (now Germany) Died: 14 Nov 1716 in Hannover, Hanover (now Germany) Gottfried Leibniz was the son o...
Jacob (Jacques) Bernoulli Jacob (Jacques) Bernoulli Born: 27 Dec 1654 in Basel, Switzerland Died: 16 Aug 1705 in Basel, Switzerland Jacob Bernoulli's father, Nicolaus Bernoulli (1623-1708) inheri...
Ecological problems Ecological problems The Earth is the only planet in the solar system where there is life. If you look down at the Earth from a plane you will see how wonderful our planet is....
Aristotle Aristotle Born: 384 BC in Stagirus, Macedonia, Greece Died: 322 BC in Chalcis, Euboea, Greece Aristotle was not primarily a mathematician but made important contributions by systematisi...
Our country Our country Geographical outline - Where is Russia situated? - Russia stretches over a vast expanse of eastern Europe and northern Asia. It is the world's largest country. Russia cove...
Physical Methods of Speed-Independent Module Design english Physical Methods of Speed-Independent Module Design 1. Introduction Any method of logic circuit design is based on using formal models...
New York New York New York City isn’t the capital of USA and it isn’t the capital of New York State, but residents of the “Big Apple” considering their city the capital of the globe. It is becaus...
Euclid of Alexandria Euclid of Alexandria Born: about 325 BC Died: about 265 BC in Alexandria, Egypt Euclid of Alexandria is the most prominent mathematician of antiquity best known for his treat...
Idaho Idaho FULL NAME: State of Idaho POSTAL ABBREVIATION ID INHABITANT :Idahoan ADMITTED TO THE UNION :July 3, 1890. Rank: 43rd CAPITAL CITY Boise, the largest city in the state, located on the...
Pierre de Fermat Pierre de Fermat Born: 17 Aug 1601 in Beaumont-de-Lomagne, France Died: 12 Jan 1665 in Castres, France Pierre Fermat's father was a wealthy leather merchant and second consul of...
Leonhard Euler Leonhard Euler Born: 15 April 1707 in Basel, Switzerland Died: 18 Sept 1783 in St Petersburg, Russia Leonhard Euler's father was Paul Euler. Paul Euler had studied theology at the...
Education in Russia Education in Russia An educated person is one who knows a lot about many things. I think it is very important that everyone should be educated. Each pupils ought to do his bes...
A bridge to understanding A bridge to understanding Language displays а culture. When you study another language, you gain the understanding of language, not only the one being learned, but also...
Blaise Pascal Blaise Pascal Born: 19 June 1623 in Clermont (now Clermont-Ferrand), Auvergne, France Died: 19 Aug 1662 in Paris, France Blaise Pascal was the third of tienne Pascal's children and...
Archimedes of Syracuse Archimedes of Syracuse Born: 287 BC in Syracuse, Sicily Died: 212 BC in Syracuse, Sicily Archimedes' father was Phidias, an astronomer. We know nothing else about Phidias o...
My favourite writers My favourite writers Reading is to mind what exercise is to body. The rise of television sometimes has been coupled with the dearth of books. But I don’t think books need to...
Adam Smith Adam Smith After two centuries, Adam Smith remains a towering figure in the history of economic thought. Known primarily for a single work, An Inquiry into the nature an causes of the...
Computers Computers When Charles Babbage, a professor of Mathematics at Cambridge university, invented the first calculating machine in 1812 he couldn’t imagine the situation we find ourselves in...
Joseph-Louis Lagrange Joseph-Louis Lagrange Born: 25 Jan 1736 in Turin, Sardinia-Piedmont (now Italy) Died: 10 April 1813 in Paris, France Joseph-Louis Lagrange is usually considered to be a Fren...
Hermann Minkowski Hermann Minkowski Born: 22 June 1864 in Alexotas, Russian Empire (now Kaunas, Lithuania) Died: 12 Jan 1909 in Gttingen, Germany Hermann Minkowski studied at the Universities of...
America and Indian race America and Indian race INTRODUCTION Traditionally, the very beginning of the United States’ history is considered from the time of European exploration and settlement, st...
Albrecht Durer Albrecht Drer Born: 21 May 1471 in Imperial Free City of Nrnberg (now in Germany) Died: 6 April 1528 in Imperial Free City of Nrnberg (now in Germany) Albrecht Drer was the third s...
Plato Plato Born: 427 BC in Athens, Greece Died: 347 BC in Athens, Greece Before giving details of Plato's life we will take a few moments to discuss how definite the details are which we give be...
Pierre-Simon Laplace Pierre-Simon Laplace Born: 23 March 1749 in Beaumont-en-Auge, Normandy, France Died: 5 March 1827 in Paris, France Pierre-Simon Laplace's father, Pierre Laplace, was comforta...
Charles Augustin de Coulomb Charles Augustin de Coulomb Born: 14 June 1736 in Angoulme, France Died: 23 Aug 1806 in Paris, France Charles Augustin Coulomb's father was Henry Coulomb and his mothe...
Educational System in Great Britain Educational System in Great Britain The educational system of G.B. is extremely complex and bewildering. It is very difficult to generalize about particular ty...
Johann (III) Bernoulli Johann (III) Bernoulli Born: 4 Nov 1744 in Basel, Switzerland Died: 13 July 1807 in Berlin, Germany Johann(III) Bernoulli was a son of Johann(II) Bernoulli. He was certainl...
Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier Born: 21 March 1768 in Auxerre, Bourgogne, France Died: 16 May 1830 in Paris, France Joseph Fourier's father was a tailor in Auxerre. Aft...
Carl Louis Ferdinand von Lindemann Carl Louis Ferdinand von Lindemann Born: 12 April 1852 in Hannover, Hanover (now Germany) Died: 6 March 1939 in Munich, Germany Ferdinand von Lindemann was the...
Luca Pacioli Luca Pacioli Born: 1445 in Sansepolcro, Italy Died: 1517 in Sansepolcro, Italy Luca Pacioli's father was Bartolomeo Pacioli, but Pacioli does not appear to have been brought up in hi...
Biopolitics in Russia: History and Prospects for the Future Biopolitics in Russia: History and Prospects for the Future 1. Introduction Biopolitics, a field of research employing biological conce...
Foreign languages are useful and needed Foreign languages are useful and needed The exciting fact is that foreign language study is needed now more than ever. For both the students and the teache...
Johann(II) Bernoulli Johann(II) Bernoulli Born: 28 May 1710 in Basel, Switzerland Died: 17 July 1790 in Basel, Switzerland Johann(II) Bernoulli was one of three sons of Johann Bernoulli. In fact...
Nicolaus Mercator Nicolaus Mercator Born: 1620 in Eutin, Schleswig-Holstein, Denmark (now Germany) Died: 14 Jan 1687 in Paris, France Nicolaus Mercator entered the University of Rostock in 1632....
Claudius Ptolemy Claudius Ptolemy Born: about 85 in Egypt Died: about 165 in Alexandria, Egypt One of the most influential Greek astronomers and geographers of his time, Ptolemy propounded the ge...
Music in our life Music in our life It is difficult to live without music. We hear music everywhere: in the streets, at home, over the radio and on TV, in the shops, in the parks and in the conce...
Eratosthenes of Cyrene Eratosthenes of Cyrene Born: 276 BC in Cyrene, North Africa (now Shahhat, Libya) Died: 194 BC in Alexandria, Egypt Eratosthenes was born in Cyrene which is now in Libya in...
New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand is a very interesting country. It has got total area of 269,000 square kilometres. It is situated to south-east of Australia in the Pacific Ocean. It consists...
De lachat-vente De l'achat-vente Le contenu. L'introduction. I. La notion de l'accord de l'achat-vente 1. La notion de l'accord de l'achat-vente. 2. Les sources du rglage juridique. 3. Les partie...
My hobby My hobby What is a hobby? It is what you can and like to do, when you have free time. We choose a hobby according to our character and taste. When we have a hobby our life becomes more i...
British Education British Education British education permits to develop fully the abilities of individuals, for their own benefit and of society as a whole. Compulsory schooling takes place betw...
I want to be a teacher I want to be a teacher There are many interesting and useful professions but I like the profession of a teacher. I began to think about my future profession at the age of 1...
Christmas Day Christmas Day Every country has its own customs and traditions. English people are proud of their traditions and they keep them up. It is difficult to speak about England without sp...