New York is one of the largest cities in the world.
Its population is over 11 million people. New York is an industrial and
cultural centre of the country. Most business is centred in Manhattan Island.
The whole area is very small, that's why the sky-scrapers were invented in New
York and, especially, in Wall Street. Wall Street is a narrow street with big
houses, but it is well known all over the world as the busiest street in the
USA. People do business there. There are two more world-famous streets —
Broadway and Fifth Avenue. Broadway is the centre of the theatres and night
life. It is known as “The Great White Way” because of the electric signs which
turn night into day.
It is the city that never goes to sleep. Buses and
sub-way run all night. There are many drugstores and restaurants which never
close their doors. There are cinemas with films that start at midnight. Fifth
Avenue is the great shopping, hotel, and club avenue.
New York is the largest port in America. More than
half the trade of the United States goes through this city.
There are many places of interest in New York. They
are: the Statue of Liberty, the United Nations Building, Empire State Building,
Columbia University, City Hall, New York Public Library and others. When you
come to New York you see lots of cars, big and small, black and yellow, old and
modem; you do not see any trees or flowers in the streets, but only cars.
You'll see and hear advertisements everywhere. There is no getting away from
them. Advertisements fill the newspapers and cover the walls, they are on
menu-cards and match-boxes, they are shouted through loud speakers and shown in
the cinemas.
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