The exciting fact is that foreign
language study is needed now more than ever. For both the students and the
teachers of foreign languages comes the bonus that experiencing the language,
using the language, and hearing and seeing it used are no longer confined tо the classroom. Nor does it take а trip abroad. The world has grown
closer and smaller, and that makes learning а language not just more meaningful, but also
The need for foreign language skills
confronts you daily. In the political arena, world leaders often cannot retire
alone tо discuss
important matters face tо
face and confidentially; interpreters must relay their communications. In
equally significant arenas of economics, joint military operations, medicine,
and science, global sharing is imperative and can be seriously impeded by the
need for translation services. Each day the world community becomes ever more
entwined in economic, political, social, and military combinations of states
and countries. Our stores are filled with products from around the world, many
in the original packaging. Our cities abound with restaurants, coffee houses,
newspapers, radio and TV stations, and social centers for groups that are built
around other languages. With so many examples of cultural interchange it’s easy
to see why the knowledge of foreign languages is so vital.
With shared language, we reach
across enormous cultural boundaries. It is certainly а skill and an art that are well worth the many
hours оf study,
language lab practice, travel, and reading tо attain.
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