Сборник рефератов

Cultural Values

p> Americans in their offices in Latin America tend to keep their native acquaintances at our distance-not the Latin American's distance-by taking up a position behind a desk or typewriter. The barricade approach to communication is practiced even by old hands in Latin America who are completely unaware of its cultural significance. They know only that they are comfortable without realizing that the distance and equipment unconsciously make the Latin American uncomfortable.


We would be mistaken to regard the communication patterns which we observe around the world as no more than a miscellaneous collection of customs. The communication pattern of a given society is part of its total culture pattern and can only be understood in that context.

We cannot undertake here to relate many examples of communication behavior to the underlying culture of the country. For the businessman, it might be useful to mention the difficulties in the relationship between social levels and the problem of information feedback from lower to higher levels in industrial organizations abroad.

There is in Latin America a pattern of human relations and unionmanagement relations quite different from that with which we are familiar in the United States. Everett Hagen of MIT has noted the heavier emphasis upon line authority and the lesser development of staff organizations in Latin-American plants when compared with North American counterparts. To a much greater extent than in the United States, the government becomes involved in the handling of all kinds of labor problems.

These differences seem to be clearly related to the culture and social organization of Latin America. We find there that society has been much more rigidly stratified than it has with us. As a corollary, we find a greater emphasis upon authority in family and the community.

This emphasis upon status and class distinction makes it very difficult for people of different status levels to express themselves freely and frankly in discussion and argument. In the past, the pattern has been for the man of lower status to express deference to his superior in any face-to-face contact. This is so even when everyone knows that the subordinate dislikes the superior. The culture of Latin America places a great premium upon keeping personal relations harmonious on the surface.

In the United States, we feel that it is not only desirable but natural to speak up to your superior, to tell the boss exactly what you think, even when you disagree with him. Of course, we do not always do this, but we think that we should, and we feel guilty if we fail to speak our minds frankly. When workers in our factories first get elected to local union office, they may find themselves quite self-conscious about speaking up to the boss and arguing grievances. Many of them, however, quickly learn to do it and enjoy the experience. American culture emphasizes the thrashing-out of differences in face-to-face contacts. It de-emphasizes the importance of status. As a result, we have built institutions for handling industrial disputes on the basis of the local situation, and we rely on direct discussion by the parties immediately involved.

In Latin America, where it is exceedingly difficult for people to express their differences face-to-face and where status differences and authority are much more strongly emphasized than here, the workers tend to look to a third party-the government-to take care of their problems. Though the workers have great difficulty in thrashing out their problems with management, they find no difficulty in telling government representatives their problems. And it is to their government that they look for an authority to settle their grievances with management.

Status and class also decide whether business will be done on an individual or a group basis.

In the United States, we are growing more and more accustomed to working as members of large organizations. Despite this, we still assume that there is no need to send a delegation to do a job that one capable man might well handle.

In some other parts of the world, the individual cannot expect to gain the respect necessary to accomplish this purpose, no matter how capable he is, unless he brings along an appropriate number of associates.

In the United States, we would rarely think it necessary or proper to call on a customer in a group. He might well be antagonized by the hard sell.

In Japan-as an example-the importance of the occasion and of the man is measured by whom he takes along.

This practice goes far down in the business and government hierarchies.

Even a university professor is likely to bring one or two retainers along on academic business. Otherwise people might think that he was a nobody and that his affairs were of little moment.

Even when a group is involved in the U.S., the head man is the spokes man and sets the tone. This is not always the case in Japan. Two young Japanese once requested an older American widely respected in Tokyo to accompany them so that they could "stand on his face." He was not expected to enter into the negotiation; his function was simply to be present as an indication that their intentions were serious.


One need not have devoted his life to a study of various cultures to see that none of them is static. All are constantly changing and one element of change is the very fact that U.S. enterprise enters a foreign field. This is inevitable and may be constructive if we know how to utilize our knowledge. The problem is for us to be aware of our impact and to learn how to induce changes skillfully.

Rather than try to answer the general question of how two cultures interact, we will consider the key problem of personnel selection and development in two particular intercultural situations, both in Latin cultures.

One U.S. company had totally different experiences with "Smith" and
"Jones" in the handling of its labor relations. The local union leaders were bitterly hostile to Smith, whereas they could not praise Jones enough.
These were puzzling reactions to higher management. Smith seemed a fair minded and understanding man; it was difficult to fathom how anyone could be bitter against him. At the same time, Jones did not appear to be currying favor by his generosity in giving away the firm's assets. To management, he seemed to be just as firm a negotiator as Smith.

The explanation was found in the two men's communication characteristics. When the union leaders came in to negotiate with Smith, he would let them state their case fully and freely-without interruption, but also without comment. When they had finished, he would say, "I'm sorry, We can't do it." He would follow this blunt statement with a brief and entirely cogent explanation of his reasons for refusal. If the union leaders persisted in their arguments, Smith would paraphrase his first statement, calmly and succinctly. In either case, the discussion was over in a few minutes. The union leaders would storm out of Smith's office complaining bitterly about the cold and heartless man with whom they had to deal.

Jones handled the situation differently. His final conclusion was the same as Smith's-but he would state it only after two or three hours of discussion. Furthermore, Jones participated actively in these discussions, questioning the union leaders for more information, relating the case in question to previous cases, philosophizing about labor relations and human rights and exchanging stories about work experience. When the discussion came to an end, the union leaders would leave the office, commenting on how warmhearted and understanding he was, and how confident they were that he would help them when it was possible for him to do so, They actually seemed more satisfied with a negative decision from Jones than they did with a hard-won concession from Smith.

This was clearly a case where the personality of Jones happened to match certain discernible requirements of the Latin American culture. It was happenstance in this case that Jones worked out and Smith did not, for by American standards both were top-flight men. Since a talent for the kind of negotiation that the Latin American considers graceful and acceptable can hardly be developed in a grown man (or perhaps even in a young one), the basic problem is one of personnel selection in terms of the culture where the candidate is to work.

The second case is more complicated because it involves much deeper intercultural adjustments. The management of the parent V.S. company concerned had learned-as have the directors of most large firms with good- sized installations overseas-that one cannot afford to have all of the top and middle-management positions manned by North Americans. It is necessary to advance nationals up the overseas-management ladder as rapidly as their abilities permit. So the nationals have to learn not only the technical aspects of their jobs but also how to function at higher levels in the organization.

Latin culture emphasizes authority in the home, church, and community.
Within the organization this produces a built-in hesitancy about speaking up to one's superiors. The initiative, the acceptance of responsibility which we value in our organizations had to be stimulated. How could it be done?

We observed one management man who had done a remarkable job of building up these very qualities in his general foremen and foremen. To begin with, he stimulated informal contacts between himself and these men through social events to which the men and their wives came. He saw to it that his senior North American assistants and their wives were' also present. Knowing the language, he mixed freely with all. At the plant, he circulated about, dropped in not to inspect or check up, but to joke and to break down the great barrier that existed in the local traditions between authority and the subordinates.

Next, he developed a pattern of three-level meetings. At the top, he himself, the superintendents, and the general foremen. At the middle level, the superintendents, general foremen, and foremen. Then the general foremen, foremen, and workers.

At the top level meeting, the American management chief set the pattern of encouraging his subordinates to challenge his own ideas, to come up with original thoughts. When his superintendents (also North Americans) disagreed with him, he made it clear that they were to state their objections fully. At first, the general foreman looked surprised and uneasy. They noted, however, that the senior men who argued with the boss were encouraged and praised. Timorously, with great hesitation, they began to add their own suggestions. As time went on, they more and more accepted the new convention and pitched in without inhibition.

The idea of challenging the boss with constructive new ideas gradually filtered down to the second and third level meetings. It took a lot of time and gentle handling, but .out of this approach grew an extraordinary morale. The native general foremen and foremen developed new pride in themselves, accepted new responsibilities, even reached out for more. They began to work to improve their capacities and to look forward to moving up in the hierarchy.


Also, it is necessary to note that food is one of the most enjoyable ways to experience another culture.


Every culture has staple foods. A staple food is a food that is rich in carbohydrates, that is eaten daily, and that is a primary source of calories and life energy. Rice is the staple food of much of Asia: from
China & Japan to Sri Lanka & India. For example, many Japanese eat rice three times a day — with breakfast, lunch and dinner. If there is no rice, diners feel dissatisfied: the meal simply is not complete.

Cuisine and Etiquette in Zambia

In traditional families, mothers eat together with the girls and the small boys. Boys age seven and older eat with the father. This is because all of the children below the age of seven live under the guidance of their mother and much learning takes place through daily activities in the home.
Ibis is changing, however, especially in towns and cities. The new trend1 is that all members of the family eat together.

Before eating, everybody washes hands in order of the status of the members of the family: father first, then mother, and the children follow according to their ages. If a visitor happens to have a meal with the family, he or she is given the honor of washing first.

It is rude to talk very much or loudly while eating. After eating, the family members wash their hands again in the same order. The wife and the young ones clear the table. Burping after a meal is a traditional compliment, but it is not quite so common nowadays.

Zambia's staple food is maize (corn), and the inhabitants eat maize in several ways. When the corn is new, it can be roasted or boiled. When it is dry, it can be fried or boiled, either by itself or mixed with beans or peanuts. Sometimes maize is ground to a size a little bigger than rice and is cooked like rice. Finally, we have the fine cornmeal which is called mealie-meal in Zambia. This is used for making nsima, the most popular way of cooking maize. Nsima is steamed cornmeal.

Meat from cows, goats, sheep, and fish are used in sauces over nsima.
There are also a lot of vegetables put in sauces, such as leaves from bean plants, okra, peas and pumpkins. Other vegetables eaten almost daily include onions and tomatoe. Nsima is usually prepared for lunch and dinner and not for breakfast. All the cooking is done by the wife.

Cuisine & Etiquette in Uganda

In Uganda, the staple food is matoke (a variety of semi-sweet bananas with green peels used in cooking). Other food crops include sweet potatoes or yams, white potatoes, beans, peas, peanuts, cabbage, onions, pumpkins, and tomatoes. Some fruits, such as oranges, papayas, lemons, and pineapples, are also grown.

Most people, except for a few who live in the city centers, produce their own food. The responsibility of preparing the family's meals belongs solely to the women and the girls in the family. Men and boys of age 12 and above are not even expected to sit in the kitchen, which is separate from the main house.

Most families eat two meals a day. The two meals are lunch and supper.
Breakfast is just a cup of tea or a bowl of porridge.

When a meal is ready, all members of the household wash their hands and sit down on floor mats. Hands have to be washed before and after the meal. At mealtime everybody is welcome; visitors and neighbors who drop in are expected to join the family at a meal.

Food is served by the women. "Sauce" — a stew with vegetables, beans, butter, salt, and curry powder — is served to each person on a plate.
Sometimes fish or beef stew is served.

Normally a short prayer is said before the family starts eating.
During the meal, children talk only when asked a question. It is bad manners to reach for salt or a spoon. It is better to ask someone sitting close to it to pass it. It is also bad manners to leave the room while others are still eating. Everyone respects the meal by staying seated until the meal is over. Leaning on the left hand or stretching ones legs while at a meal is a sign of disrespect and is not tolerated.

People usually drink water at the end of the meal. It is considered odd to drink water while eating.

When the meal is finished, everyone in turn gives a compliment to the mother by saying, "Thank you for preparing the meal, madam." No dessert is served after the meal. Fruits like papaya, pineapple, or sweet bananas are normally eaten as a snack between meals.

Cuisine & Etiquette in Sierra Leone

In Sierra Leone, the staple food is rice. "If I haven't had my rice, I haven't really eaten today," is a popular saying of this people. They eat rice at least twice a day. Only women and girls prepare the food.

If you visit a there friend, he or she will almost always invite you to stay and eat. Sharing is an important part of life in Sierra Leone!
Everyone washes their hands before they eat, and then they gather in a circle with a huge dish of food placed in the middle.

The oldest males get the choicest food, the best pieces of meat or fish. Then the young males take the next best pieces, and then finally the women and girls get any meat or fish that is left. Sometimes the women and girls wait until the men and boys have had all they want before they eat.

Rice is eaten with the hands by squeezing or rolling it into a ball, dipping it into the sauce, and then popping it into the mouth. When everyone finishes eating, they wash their hands and thank the cook.

When you are eating, you usually don't talk. Talking shows a lack of respect for the food. It is rude to lean on your left hand while you are eating. People usually drink water only after a meal is over.

Many ingredients go into sauces or stews to go with rice. The most popular sauces are made of greens. Other common ingredients include palm oil, onions, tomatoes, yams, and red peppers. Sometimes peanut oil or coconut oil are used. Sources of protein that go into the sauces include peanuts and beans, as well as fish, chicken, goat meat, or pork. Seafood, such as oysters, lobster, and crab, may also be used. Most of the calories, however, come from rice, which is eaten in large quantities.

Fruits include oranges, bananas, papayas, lemons, avocados, watermelon, mangoes, and pineapples. Fruit is usually eaten as a snack.
Plantains (cooking bananas) are sometimes sliced and fried as chips for a snack. Tea and coffee are drunk in some parts of the country for breakfast.
Coke and beer are popular with people who can afford them.


A language is more than the sum of its words, its grammar, and the expressive quality of its melody.

Language =Words+ Grammar + Melody + "?"

Every cultural group has unique patterns of speech — patterns for doing things like giving and responding to compliments, saying no, and forming business relationships. And even the most elementary of speech acts
— the greeting — is more complex than you might think!


Many visitors to the United States are perplexed every time an
American flashes one of those famous smiles, looks you straight in the eye, exclaims "How are you?" —and then disappears without waiting to hear a word. These visitors must feel like Alice in Wonderland, trying to communicate with the White Rabbit. That's because they are taking the question "How are you?" literally, as a request for information about ones health and well-being. "How are you?" (when said in passing or as part of an everyday greeting) may be a question according to the rules of grammar, but in practice it is not a question at all! It is a friendly and polite greeting. No one expects to give or hear a long answer. A one or two word answer will do. In fact, it's considered rude to tell a long story.

When Americans are not simply greeting you and truly want to know how you are, they may put a small emphasis on the word "are." How ARE you? Or, to make the message absolutely clear, they might say "How ARE you, REALLY?"
Then you can tell a very long story indeed.


In Moroccan Arabic, people greet each other with the words "Salaam Oo- allay-kum." Ibis greeting means "Peace be with you." The response is "Oo- allay-kum salaam" — "And with you peace." But the greeting does not end there! Greetings in Morocco may continue for many minutes - sometimes as long as half an hour — as people ask about each other's health, faith in
Allah, families, work, etc.

Moroccans shake hands when greeting, touching the heart immediately after the handshake to show that the greeting is sincere. Sometimes instead of touching the heart, they will kiss their own hand after the handshake as a sign of particular esteem or affection. In the case of family members or close friends, women greeting women and men greeting men will kiss each other's cheeks back and forth a few times. In the north, it's right cheek- left cheek-left cheek. In other parts of the country, it could be right- left-right, or right-left only. How many times you kiss cheeks also depends on how much you like the person, or how long it's been since you've seen them. The longer it's been, the more kisses are exchanged.


A stereotype is a statement that simplifies human and social realities. For example, a single quality is said to belong to every member of a group: "Men hate to cook."

Prejudice is to prejudge: to form an opinion, usually negative, about someone before you know many facts. "Richard can't cook - he's a guy!" If you have seen the film Shrek, about an ogre who falls in love with a princess, you may remember Shrek's lament — his sad complaint that "They judge me before they even know me!"

Stereotypes and prejudice are based on incomplete or faulty information. They get in the way of knowing people as individuals and of understanding the world in a complex and sophisticated way; they can offend
& hurt people; and they can lead to serious misunderstandings.


The nine comments a non-Russian might make about Russians:

1. Russians are dreamers and not doers.

2. Russians are not materialistic. They consider other people more important than what you can buy.

3. Russians value familiar faces and distrusts those they do not know.

4. There is a right and a wrong way to do almost anything, and
Russians will not hesitate to tell you when you are doing something wrong — or "nyekulturno."

5. Russians don't think about the future — they don't plan far ahead. If they have money today, they spend money today.

6. Russians are certain that they are right, they know everything & they have all the answers.

7. Russians are fatalistic — they feel nothing they can do will make a difference.

8. Russians disapprove of people who are different or who break social conventions (like Tattoo).

9. Russians are "lazy" — if you don't tell them what to do and supervise them carefully they will do as little as possible or nothing at all.

If we can understand what lies behind the stereotypes, we are able to politely challenge or correct others' misperceptions if we so choose. We all stereotype others sometimes

—and it can be a shock to hear about how others stereotype us. Just think of a time you have stereotyped someone, as we all have, and imagine their reaction if they heard your words!

For an explanation of each of the nine notions, we shall learn some reasons that some observers and scholars might give as to why Russians may appear to others the way they do.

1. As a general rule Americans are oriented towards doing. They measure their own value, and that of others, by what & how much they do.
Ideas are not valued as highly as the practical application of ideas and results. Russians are more oriented towards contemplating ideas and valuing ideas in and of themselves. A Russian who attended an American/Russian conference described the different ways each group would spend conference evenings. "The Russians would sit all night drinking tea, discussing and reflecting upon the events and ideas of the day, while the Americans would be dunking of what they had to do the next day and preparing for it."

2. "It's better to have 100 friends than 100 rubles." Russians have very close bonds with and depend upon a close network of friends, family and familiar faces — people they know they can trust. Government, banks, & bureaucracies are not trusted or depended upon. Friends, however, can trust each other and depend upon one other.

3. Again, many Russians belong to close-knit groups of family & friends. Within these groups, there is great trust and a strong sense of closeness — however strangers and outsiders are not immediately trusted and are kept at a greater social and emotional distance.

4. Russian culture, more than many others, emphasizes clear cultural norms, rules and scripts (what people should say). Many Russians expect others to conform to these social or cultural rules and freely correct those who "stray." They may feel that they are being helpful and saving others from future trouble or embarrassment

5. Russians may believe that planning for the future and living for tomorrow is sinful and contradicts Christian teachings. One Russian student quoted the Bible as proof that this belief is sacred: "Now listen to me, you that say, 'today or tomorrow we will travel to a certain city, where we will stay a year and go into business and make a lot of money.' You don't even know what your life tomorrow will be! You are like a puff of smoke, which appears for a moment and then disappears." Making the most of each day, living 'it to the fullest, and facing only the hardships of the current day are valued.

Many Russians appear to prefer a consensus on truth to a plurality of opinions or truths. Some writers trace this preference to the early Russian
Empire - when Russia was "ruled by an autocratic dynasty with a holy mission to defend its faith against the barbarians of the East and the heresies and pluralism of the West" "The pluralism of the West was seen by
Russia as chaotic, without harmony, a disunity or thought and purpose."
Historically, Russia has held to a vision of a single, unifying truth — the truth as told by the Communist party and Communist ideology; or a Russian
Orthodox vision of an absolute truth with no room for conflicting opinions.
Russian Orthodoxy, according to one writer, was envisioned as "a fellowship uniting all souls under a single and correct religious rite" actively agreed upon and shared by all. The faithful were envisioned as members of one big family - just as the 15 Soviet republics were envisioned as

7. It is a general Russian cultural belief that people cannot necessarily or easily change things or influence events. The goal is to be patient & persevere. Some writers say this may be because of the physical hardships of Russian life — from the long winters to shortages of goods.

8. Again, Russians appear to prefer dear cultural norms and rules and to easily judge and criticize those who break them.

9. Russian workers and Russian students appear to prefer detailed and precise instructions from supervisors or teachers. Decisions about what should be done, and how, appear to be made at the top. Supervisors/teachers appear to know best. People may prefer to follow clear directions from above rather than risk errors or innovations that may harm their careers.


When your first arrived in Russia, what stood out the most?

. The forests, the vast number of green trees I saw from the airplane window.

. It was my dream to study in Russia. It's a great country and there are many opportunities for study. I love the writings of

Gorky, and through reading Gorky I got the impression that

Russians are clever and patient- it's a great country, as great as the US.

What stereotypes did you hear about Russians before coming to


. People are poor. They have to wait in line for bread.

. It's liked a military zone, closed to most people.

. People are hospitable. You can knock on your neighbor's door.

There is brotherly love.

What stereotypes do Russians have of your part of the world?

. Everyone is very rich. There is lots of oil. (They don't differentiate among countries).

. Women wear veils.

. People ride camels.

. Men marry four or five women.

. Everyone is Muslim. (They don't know about other religions).

. They don't know our history.

. Terrorists

. Not much knowledge, they only know the name Arafat.

Russian perceptions of Arabs/Southerners

. Southerners are called "black." There is discrimination based on skin color. There are unpleasant encounters on the street.

Many international students have been assaulted. Flats have been broken into. Almost everyone has been assaulted, especially in bars, nightclubs, and discos. Students go out in groups for safety in numbers.

. One student had two brothers who came to Russia. One brother was beaten and had a severe head injury. Another had a leg broken.

. Some babushki yell "Chechens go home!" One interviewee says that he doesn't pay attention- he understands that they are old and he understands the psychological reasons. Another says they have no right to say those things. We are students here. We have come here for our education. We are spending money and adding to the Russian economy. We are not troubling anyone.

. Overall crime rate is high, but foreigners are particularly victimized. There is no police protection. There seems to be no law. There are police document checks and bribes. There has been a big change in the past ten years. Now there is more economic disorder, corruption, violence, and crime.

Why Questions

Why are women streetcar drivers? Why do they do manual and construction work?

. Why are young Russians rude to older people?

. Why don't young men don't give up seats on the trolley bus for elders?

. Why do young people sometimes yell or shout bad words at old women?

Your Perceptions of Russia and Russians Now

. The people are friendly and sympathetic. Teachers are friendly and sympathetic. Sympathy is the key to understanding.

. Russian women are very beautiful. They are patient, they work hard, they are good housewives, they are always loyal, and they dress nicely.

. There are a high number of educated people, especially in the sciences. They are able to work under difficult conditions.

It's a wonder. It's not about equipment. That's Russia's secret.

Major differences between cultures

. Alcohol — many Muslims do not drink.

. Families at home are bigger —5-10 people

. In Russia, people don't know their neighbors' names. They don't greet each other on the street and communicate.

. Clothes — women dress more modestly than Russian women.

. Women don't smoke, drink, or dress revealingly as they do in


. Families support each other more. Brothers and sisters support each other. Russian families seem more isolated and


. The divorce rate at home is very low.

. Men respect women more at home, there is not so much domestic violence as in Russia.




When you first arrived in Russia, what stood out the most?

. People are very thin.

. How many people actually walk. There are lots of cars and good public transportation, but there are lots of pedestrians too.

. How dirty the cities are. I knew they would look a little run down, but there's more litter and trash than at home.

. People don't smile.

. Russians are not materialistic. They consider other people more important than what you can buy.

. To some degree, they are less culturally aware. Russia was dosed off to the rest of the world and Russians are not used to seeing people of color.

. Men with machine guns at the airport A woman with big, black poufy hair, a frilly white blouse, an army-issue green mini- skirt, black stiletto heels, frosty pink lipstick and a scowl

It was like a scene from a John Waters movie.

. In 1978 I arrived in St. Petersburg from Sweden. It was like going from color to black and white. There were shortages of food. It was drab; it was dark. I came back in 1998. Ibis time

I noticed a washed-out drabness. People wore dark clothes, not much color. There were things to buy in the shops this time, but somehow everything looked faded. The communist experience was unique. The whole world moved on, and Russia was closed off. There are some good things and some bad things in this. It was like being dropped off in the 1950s, when I was a child.

There was still not much tourism, but the attitudes of people changed. This first time it was less friendly, people spoke less English, and there were millions of forms to fill out, scattered all over the place. You had to be precise, because the authorities were hypervigilant.

. Crazy drivers everywhere, incredibly long waits for trams and buses, no timetables for buses and trams, people going out of their way to help you find a destination

Stereotypes You Were Aware of Before Coming to Russia

. Lines everywhere (though I knew it was thing of the past)

. No freedom of speech

. Few products

. Pervasive presence of Mafia

. Young people getting rich very quickly

. Prostitution (from news exposes about dark side of big city life)

. Prejudice against people of Southern nationalities

. Russians drink vodka

. Russians are poor, suffered a lot, are very serious, have bread tones

. Never smile

. Bureaucracy is infamous

. Churches with onion domes, great literature

. Russian women dress up, but it doesn't matter so much what men wear.

. Every woman is looking to marry an American, there are mail order brides, women want to get out

. I remember bomb scares in American during the 50s and 60s and hiding under desks. The Russians wanted to come and

conquer the USA, we were told. They had the same message as us.

. Russians tend to be paranoid.

. Russians don't think in or about the future. Americans think about the future, but not the past or present. Americans

pay for classes so they can learn to live in the present!

Russians don't plan so far ahead. If they have money today, they

spend money today.

. Russians are quite rigid about teachers being authoritative and strong disciplinarians.

Advice family & friends gave you before you left home

. Don't drink tap water.

. Advice to women: be prepared that girls here dress differently:

Russians dress for fashion and Americans for comfort

. Be careful, you can't trust people there.

. Be careful. Russia is not safe because of worries about war, bombings in Moscow, unrest, crime, civil strife. General danger.

. Bring toilet paper and jeans. You can sell your jeans.

. You need to have good health insurance and be prepared to fly back to the US if you need treatment Hospitals are bad and doctors aren't very good. In fact, doctors run the gamut from very dedicated to indifferent.

Why questions

. Why is shopping a three step process? It's so inefficient.

Maybe it prevents shoplifting.

. Why is only one person doling out money?

. Why is only one door open?

. Why is service so bad? Is it because there is no tipping and so no motivation?

. Why can we sit in a cafe all day without buying very much?

. Why do women wear such high heels?

. Why do people crowd others and cut in line?

. Why do shop attendants go on so many breaks or just close down?

. Why are things so unpredictable? Nothing is consistent.

. There are no schedules at school. I arrive at school to teach and I'll be told "there is no fourth grade today." Why can't

people tell me in advance?

. Why are restaurant workers so indifferent or outright rude?

. Why do Russian women think they need a man for anything technical or physical?

. Why must everyone sit at a party?

. Why can't people put bags on the floor?

. Why do men carry purses (for women)?

. Who does everything break so easily?

. Why does everything need to be stamped?

. Why are there so many forms?

. Why do women dress like hookers (prostitutes)?

. Why do women wear see-through trousers with thongs and stiletto heels?

. Why is everything so dirty?

. Why do people spit and blow their noses onto the street?

. Why are people so mean to each other (at stores, yelling at customers)?

. Why do people push in front of others?

. When a husband beats his wife in public, why doesn't anyone do anything? Why are people so reluctant to stop and help?

. Why are there no public toilets even approaching American standards? Why do people accept such things?

. Why do toilets have no seat covers? Is there a shortage? Can't they find them somewhere?

. Why do Russians drink so much tea? Why don't they drink during meals?

. Why do Americans say "excuse me1 when they bump into strangers and Russian don't?

. Why are Russians so formal when you first meet them?

Things that frustrate

. People always on the make

. Large injustices in society, for example, why are teachers paid so little and then expected to buy their own textbooks

. I'm annoyed at people looking and making an instant judgment

. Russians are emotional, prejudiced and xenophobic.

. The Russian sense of personal space, especially in public sphere: people stand much closer, pressing up against each

other, pushing

Why questions Russians asked you about Americans

. Why do you want to come to Russia? (most consistent question)

. Why are Americans fat? Why do they all have cars? Why are they so loud?

. Why do Americans drink so much water?

. How can you believe men and women are equal when they are so different?

. Why don't Americans lock their doors at night?

. Why do Americans smell like soap? - What interviewee's mother taught him: "If your clothes smell like you, they're dirty."

. Why do Americans smile all the time?

. Why are Americans so informal about everything?

. Why do Americans ask so many questions?

. Why don't you speak English correctly? It's your native language, isn't it?

Stereotypes Russians You Met Had of Americans

. Americans are rich. "You can afford to pay that price, that's nothing for you at home!"

. Americans have cars — are fat - are loud.

. Americans are rich, noisy, lazy, and unworldly.

. Americans always smile.

. All American women hate men.

. American women are drab, dull and unfeminine.

. American women want to do everything themselves.

. American women are ambitious and individualistic.

. American women are not afraid to speak their minds or confront authority.

How are Americans viewed?

. Russians are accepting of American music, movies, and clothing but still have anti-American sentiments. It's a kind of guilty pleasure - a sense they are letting themselves, their roots, and their standards down. They accept American cultural products while remaining anti-American.

. They think we're rich; even our poor, compared to their poor.

Retirees on cruises set this stereotype, with Russians misunderstanding that some people must save for a long time for such a trip. Also, Russians on exchange programs stay with middle-class, educated families. They don't see American ghettos.

How has living abroad changed your original view or expectations about what life in Russia would be like?

. Some stereotypes were borne out. People can be very rude in the public sphere— in restaurants, airports, trains. On the other hand, if you're invited to people's homes you'll find they're the most hospitable people you've ever met. I didn't expect warm hospitality though I was prepared for inhospitality in the public sphere.

. I tend to try not to have too many set expectations before I go to a different culture. Sure, I have some, but part of the experience is seeing what is there and seeing how you can adapt to these circumstances.

Gestures that are different, etc.

. I always speak with my hands and show facial gestures. Most people here don't gesture much when they speak. Ibis is true of facial gestures too. My face always betrays my feelings.

. The Russian gesture for being drunk.

. Helping women put their coat on; other women can't do this.

. Men NEED to carry things and pay. I met a male friend at a cafe, and he HAD to pay, to be a gentleman, even though I know he doesn't earn a lot of money. No Dutch treat.

. The weight of swear words is stronger here than in the US. In the States I use obscenities every day. Now that I'm here, I use them maybe once a month.

. Banging the fist again the palm

. Thumb between the middle and index fingers

. Touching: there's more same sex touching in Russia, women walking down the street arm in arm or holding hands

. Shaking hands is not common practice in Russia where it is automatic and unconscious behavior for most Americans. (Said by a woman)

What are the most positive things that happened to you in Russia?

. I met my wife and made some very close friends from another culture. Human contact. You realize you can make close friends and find similarities. I also improved my Russian.

. I had an opportunity to live with a family and be included in family life- crises and arguments included. I really experienced normal Russian life in more depth than many.

. Positive things: meeting very friendly people/ hospitality and the nurturing manner of Russian women. The sincerity I

-have felt from the sympathy expressed by Russians about the attacks in the U.S.

What is the worst thing that happened to you?

. The first week I was living in my flat, and felt like a stranger in my landlady's home, my landlady and her husband would share nothing with me. I had to buy my own dish washing liquid and toilet paper. They would not allow me to wash my own clothes and wanted to charge me 20 rubles per shin. (While this may not be typical, this incident it is a true story.)

. In St Petersburg, I got ripped off. 60 or 70 dollars in a money exchange on the street It can happen anywhere, though, and it didn't change my feelings; but there are nasty rip-offs in St

Petersburg and Moscow.

. Negative things: indifference to issues of lateness and when things don't work or something goes wrong. How things tend to be more black / white or how things are taken more literally.

How certain some Russians are about certain issues.

If you were to compare Russian and American culture, what are some of the broad distinctions you might draw?

. Economics. In the US everything is about money. Sometimes

Russians are very concerned about money and talk about money because it's a necessity. They have no qualms about asking how much money you make. That's a taboo question in the States.

. Russians are more traditional, especially the way women want to be treated by men. Feminism doesn't seem to exist. (Said by a man)

. Russians drink more. There are few laws about drinking in public. You can drink beer in public but not vodka. It's strange, in the springtime, to be the only sober person walking down the street.

. Russians are less tolerant of racial differences and of sexual orientation. Russian men are very homophobic.

. There is no one word or phrase for "cultural identity," vanity, or privacy in Russian language; you would have to explain your intention in order to be understood.

Can you describe some situations/incidents in which cultural expectations caused a misunderstanding?

. American men are not expected to be as attentive as Russian men. Men pour drinks for women, carry packages for women, etc.

. If I'm silent, people see me as standoffish.

. Americans separate business and pleasure

By living in Russia, have you learned anything new about yourself and your native culture?

. I learned a lot of about myself as an American. There are some things I feel proud about. I stopped taking things for granted, things I would have demanded in the past.

. I value independence and self-reliance.

. I notice consumerism in the US more. Everything is packaged, everything is for sale. There's more media and advertising everywhere. People need things NOW: fast food, quick and efficient customer service.

. Shallow, superficial friendliness and customer service. But I like it anyway! Maybe it's not so shallow. Maybe it says something about egalitarianism.

. The number of trashcans and the amount of waste produced in the

US. In Russia there's no place to put trash and there are lots of wrappers and litter on the streets. In America there ate lots of receptacles because we produce lots of waste

-packaging, wrappers, etc. We even sell special 10-gallon trash bags!

. The main thing I noticed and was overwhelmed by was by the amount of choice in everything- it was great but too much to handle sometimes, whether I was shopping or trying to decide what to eat in a restaurant.

. I can live in an arctic climate but I'm still not a fan of long winters.

. Americans value individualism and the right to speak their minds freely

. Some Americans can be as ethnocentric as some Russians can be and more concerned with events at home, but what culture isn't?


When you first arrived in the USA, what stood out?

. The traffic system is orderly and well organized. Drivers are polite and stop for pedestrians.

. How Americans are relaxed, they have a relaxed posture, free behavior, a relaxed way of dressing, usually sports clothes

. Aged parents very seldom live with their grown children and prefer living alone or moving to a nursing home

. Americans prefer to live in suburbs in their own houses and thus a car play a very important role in one's life and there might be several cars in the family

. They use computers a lot in everyday life

Stereotypes of Americans You Were Aware Of

. Pragmatic

. Rich

. Overweight

. Always smile

. Body conscious and fond of healthy life styles

. American women are too independent

How do you think Americans viewed Russian culture, in general terms?

. As far as I remember, everyone I met was very friendly, considerate and helpful and eager to get to know Russians better and learn more about our culture.

Advice friends or family members gave you

. To find some things they wanted

. To set up an aim you want to achieve in this country and to do it. For example, to visit all the museums.

. Try to make new friends and make the most of your stay

. My mother told me to try every kind of food I can

Why questions you asked

. Why do Americans love their cars so much?

. Why do they never dress up?

. Why do they mingle at parties? Why do they invite so many people?

. Why do they leave their nests? Why do they so often change cities?

. Why are university professors so informally dressed in class?

. Why do children prefer to live separately from parents when they complete high school and almost never come back to

live with the parents again?

Why questions others asked you

. Why do Russians stay at one place (at a table) at a party?

. Why do Russians have more long lasting friendships?

. Why do you prefer jeanswear: is it because you like American style clothing or do you find this kind of clothing more comfortable?

. Do people in Russia know foreign languages?

Stereotypes of Russians You Discovered

. Russians are poor.

. Russians dance very well. They like to dance.

. There is Mafia in Russia.

. Russian women do a lot of work at home.

. Russians don't know how to work.

. Russian women do too much work for the family. They do not respect themselves.

. Russians are strong and hard working.

. The new generation will change the country.

. Russians don't know foreign languages.

. Starving and wearing shabby clothing

. Russians don't smile on the street.

. One young American guy mentioned he wouldn't be interested in meeting a Russian woman because Russian women are

hairy and don't shave.

. There are few cars in Russia.

. All women are prostitutes because that's the only way to earn a living.

How has your experience changed your original view or expectations?

I don't think Americans are rich. They get more money but they economize and spend more rationally.

If you were to compare Russian and American culture, what are some of the broad distinctions you might draw?

. Russian culture belongs to the eastern type and American to the western type.

. Americans are more matter-of-fact and business-like; they are more active; they are not afraid of making severe life changes.

Can you describe some situations/incidents in which cultural expectations caused a misunderstanding?

. When you are in Russia, invited to someone's home, you are asked to have tea or some food. In America this does not happen in every house.

What things stood out the most or what things did you most notice about
Russia when you returned home?

. The one thing that pleased me is that my family was so glad to see me.

. People not smiling. Not helpful.

. Gloomy people on the streets; impolite shop assistants; dirty public places; no adaptation of public places for disabled

. People are less polite; there is garbage everywhere; there are no non-smoking areas

By visiting the USA, have you learned anything new about yourself and your native culture?

. Russians are hospitable, collective. They discuss things in groups before making decisions. They are always ready to share.

. Russians are more family oriented.

. I learned that I should not feel inferior to other people because of being physically disabled.

. Being in the US I am conscious of being Russian and proud of it. I don't that I stand out in American culture and most

Americans can't say I am from a different country unless I tell them, but somehow I always "feel" Russian and tell people I am from Russia with a sense of pride.


Let's sum up everything considered above.

Now there is a problem of misunderstanding among people of the different countries. This misunderstanding is shown owing to different attitudes to life, to business, to family, to fellow workers. Also because of ignorance of traditions, customs, etiquette of other countries.

Excellent knowledge of foreign language is not a guarantee of successful cooperation of firms or pleasant dialogue of people from different continents. To know language is only half-affair. The most important is to understand priorities of other people, to try to look at the world by their eyes.

If the country is more advanced in economic, political, social spheres, it gives more attention to studying other cultures for successful cooperation (for example, the USA, Japan).

It is important to note, that the closer cultures to each other, the fewer problems arise at their interaction. If cultures are opposite, then the essence of intercultural dialogue is reduced to understanding of different values.

For greater success in relations between the countries it is necessary to take into account all these features.


1. «Communication and Culture» / Alfred G. Smith // Hold,

Rinehart and Winston, Inc., the United States of America,1966

2. «Crossing Cultural Borders - Russia» / Julie E. Zdanoski //

Petrozavodsk, 2003

3. «Culture Learning: The Fifth Dimension in the Language

Classroom» / Louise Damen

4. «Culture Matters. How Values Shape Human Progress» / Lawrence

E. Harrison, Samuel P. Huntington // Basic Books, A Member of the Perseus Books Group, the United States of America, 2000



When a person from a national society with hierarchical tendencies encounters a person from a society with egalitarian tendencies, and moreover when the country of the latter is generally "high" in the estimation of the former, the idealized paradigm as shown in Figure 1 would be approximated. In this diagram, X, the person from a country with egalitarian views, behaves toward Y, the person from a hierarchically oriented country, as if he occupied the same "level"; that is, in equalitarian terms.


Figure 1.


North American (USA)
Personal control of the environment
Change inevitable and desirable
Equality of opportunity
Future orientation
Action orientation
Directness and openness
Practicality; pragmatic; rational
Problem-solving orientation
Cause-and-effect logic
DO-it-yourself approach to life

Contrast American
Nature dominating man
Unchanging; traditional
Class structure dominant; hierarchical Interdependence but individuality
Present or past orientation
Being orientation
Suggestive; consensus-seeking; group orientation
Feeling orientation; philosophical
Inactive; enduring; seeking help from others Knowing
Group progress


Values concerning

1. Nature and Culture vertically

(octopus pot)(draws in)


2. Interpersonal Relationships

Unated States

Heterogeneity; horizontal society guilt sasara (bamboo wisk)

Omote predominates

Independence; I/you clash symmetrical relationships informality
Achieved status


Homogeneity; shame takotsubo


We over I; amae complementary
Ascribed status

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