Moreau, Gustave (1826-1898). French painter, one of
the leading Symbolist artists. He was a pupil of Chassйriau and was influenced
by his master's exotic Romanticism, but Moreau went far beyond him in his
feeling for the bizarre and developed a style that is highly distinctive in
subject and technique.
preference was for mystically intense images evoking long-dead civilizations
and mythologies, treated with an extraordinary sensuousness, his paint
encrusted and jewel-like. Although he had some success at the Salon, he had no
need to court this as he had private means, and much of his life was spent in
1892 he became a professor at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and proved an inspired
teacher, bringing out his pupils' individual talents rather than trying to
impose ideas on them. His pupils included Marquet and Matisse, but his favorite
was Rouault, who became the first curator of the Moreau Museum in Paris (the
artist's house), which Moreau left to the nation on his death. The bulk of his
work is preserved there.
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