- What is the role of mass media in
the life of contemporary society?
- The role of mass media in the life
of the present society is difficult to overestimate. They have become a daily
and essential necessity with contemporary men. Mass media report about various
aspects of life, form and affect public opinion.
- What is implied under the term
"mass media"?
- Mass media comprise press, radio,
TV and the Internet. In this or that form mass media come into every home. To
understand the meaning of mass media for the people it is necessary to consider
their every aspect separately.
- What do you know about the
- The Internet was created in 1983.
Since that time it has grown beyond its largely academic origin into an
increasingly commercial and popular medium. The Internet connects many computer
net works. It is based on a common addressing system and communications
protocol called TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). By
the mid-1990s the Internet connected millions of computers throughout the
world. Many commercial computer network and data services also provided at
least indirect connection to the Internet. The World Wide Web, which enables
simple and intuitive navigation of Internet sites through a graphical
interface, expanded during the 1990s to become the most important component of
the Internet.
- What can you say about the press?
- Newspaper are usually issued
daily, weekly, or at other regular times. They provide news, views, features,
and other information of public interest and often carry advertising
- When did the first newspapers
appear in England?
- Newspapers appeared in many
European countries in the 17th century. The first English printed news book
averaging twenty-two pages was the "Weekly News". It appeared in Lon
don in 1621. By the 1640s the news book had taken the form of a newspaper. The
first periodical was the "London Gazelle", a bi weekly court paper.
It started as the "Oxford Gazette" in 1665 when the King and the
court moved to Oxford because of London plague.
- What was the first English daily?
- The first English daily was
"The Daily Courant" (1702-35). It was in 1771 that Parliament allowed
journalists the right to report its proceedings. The "Times" was
founded by John Walter in 1785, and "The Observer" was founded in
- What role do newspapers play
- Newspapers come out to provide
their readers with fresh news. Today people have a chance to have full
information about political, economic and cultural events in their own country
and abroad.
- Are British newspapers
- No, they are not. In Great Britain
there are no official government newspapers. British newspapers are proud of
their individual styles. They can be classified into quality and popular
- In what way do quality newspapers
differ from the popular ones?
- Quality newspapers are serious
daily issues. They appeal mainly to the upper and middle classes. Popular,
tabloid newspapers are smaller in size and contain many photographs. Unlike
quality newspapers popular newspapers are not so serious and their stories tend
to be sensational.
- What quality newspapers can you
- Quality newspapers are:
"Financial Times", "The Times", "The Guardian",
"The Daily Telegraph".
- What information do quality
newspapers contain?
- "Financial Times"
contains a comprehensive coverage of industry, commerce and public affairs.
"The Times" is the most famous newspaper. It represents the views of
the establishment and is well-known for its correspondence column. "The
Guardian" gives a wide coverage of news events and reports on social
issues, the arts, education. "The Daily Telegraph" contains reports
on national and international news, gives a full covering of sports and other
- What are popular newspapers?
- Popular newspapers are: "The
Daily Express", "The Daily Mirror", "The Daily Mail",
"The Daily Star", "The Sun". They have a national daily
circulation and appeal mainly to the working and middle classes.
- When did the first newspapers
appear in America?
- In the 17th century newspapers,
magazines, almanacs were published in America. The oldest printing press in
America was set up as early as 1639 at Cambridge, and its activity was never
interrupted. The first newspaper in the United States came out in Boston in
1690. But it was suppressed by the colonial governor after one issue. The
weekly "Boston News-letter" began publication in 1704. Independent
newspaper publishing started with the "New- England Courant" in 1721.
In 1776 on the eve of the Revolution Boston had five newspapers, and
Philadelphia three. Freedom of the press was achieved the United States in 1791
by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
- How can American newspapers be
- In the USA daily newspapers are of
two kinds: quality and popular. "The Wall Street Journal" is a
quality newspaper. It covers national and international news. "The
Washington Post" contains full coverage of Congress.
- Does a national press exist in the
- It is a very difficult question.
On one hand it is possible to say that there is no national press in the US.
because most daily papers are distributed locally. On the other hand one can
say that there is a national US press. It is a very specific press as it comes
from the sharing of news. I mean that some newspapers not only print, but
collect and sell news, news features and photographs to other newspapers. For
example, "The New York Times", "The Washington Post", the
"Los Angeles Times" are the best news services of this kind.
- What can you say about Russian
- Today Russia can be proud of the
variety of newspapers circulating throughout the country. On the news stalls
one can find newspapers of all kinds: national and local, official and private,
quality and popular, newspapers issued for children, teenagers, people of
different trends, for fans: sport-fans, car-fans, etc. Today there are a lot of
local and professional newspapers in Russia.
- Is it possible to classify Russian
newspapers into quality and popular?
- Now it is almost impossible to
classify all the Russian news papers into two big groups: quality and popular.
It is possible to name the newspapers and the bodies responsible for the issue
of this or that newspaper to illustrate the variety of the modern Russian
press. "Moscovsky Komsomolets" is a social and political newspaper of
the Russian youth; "Arguments and Facts" is an in dependent
newspaper; "Evening Moscow" is an independent people's newspaper;
"The Red Star" is the newspaper of the Defence Ministry.
- Are there a lot of magazines in
Russia today?
- As for the magazines, today they
are numerous. They cover all topics and interests, from painting and
architecture to tennis, from aviation and gardening to computers and literary
- When did radio appear?
- Radio appeared earlier then TV.
- Did it take radio long to be a
- Radio first became a possibility
when the English physicist Michael Faraday demonstrated that an electrical
current could produce a magnetic field. In 1864 James Clerk Maxwell, a
professor of experimental physics at Cambridge, proved mathematically that
these electrical disturbances could be detected at considerable distances.
Maxwell predicted that this electromagnetic energy could move outward in waves
travelling at the speed of light. In 1888 Heinrich Hertz demonstrated that
Maxwell's prediction was true for transmissions over short distances. In 1901
an Italian physicist named Guglielrno Marconi received wireless telegraphic
messages sent from Cornwall to Newfoundland. It was hailed as a triumph, but
few discerned its full meaning: the birth of a communications revolution.
Rather, it was another welcome convenience. Radio underwent rapid improvement
in the period before World War II.
- Has radio lost its importance with
the appearance of TV and the Internet?
- Radio has not lost its importance
with the appearances of TV and the Internet. Today there are a lot of radio
stations of many different types and so much variety. Talk shows and music
programmes with disc jockeys are very popular.
- When was TV invented?
- TV experiments to create a
workable television system began in the late 19th century by Paul Nipkow, a
German scientist. Today almost every family in the civilized world has a TV
set. Television plays an important role in our society, not only as an
entertainer and informant, but also because of the grip it has on many people.
Television channels easily go into people's home taking in their time and life.
- What British and American radio
and TV networks do you know?
- In the USA the National Public
Radio network (NPR) is known for its quality news and discussion programmes.
Another public radio network, American Public Radio (APR), with its commentary
and entertainment programmes is very popular too. In the USA PBS (Public
Broadcasting Service) with its 280 stations is the largest network. The cable
networks such as CNN carries news and news stories, SPN covers all sports
events, and MTV is famous for its music videos.
- What do you know about the British
Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)?
- The British Broadcasting
Corporation (BBC) was established in 1936 by the government. It provides five
radio stations. The BBC also runs thirty seven local radio stations, providing
material of local importance. There are seventy independent local radio
stations in Britain. They provide news, information, music, coverage of local
events, sports commentaries and the like. External service of the BBC is a very
important part of the BBC's work. The BBC World Service broadcasts in thirty
five vernacular languages. The British have four main channels to choose, from:
BBC-1 and BBC-2, ITV (Independent Television) and Channel Four. It is a well
established fact that the high quality of British television is upheld by the
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