Britain is strewn
with ruins of castles, rubble from the centuries of her existence. Castles are
tangible relics of a remarkable past, a lengthy heritage etched in stone, as
well as with the blood and sweat of those who built, labored, fought, and died
in their shadow. Ruins stir up in us a profound awareness of those past lives.
Castles have a timelessness that is awe-inspiring. That they have endured
centuries of warfare and the effects of weather is a testimony to the
creativity and power of their medieval owners. How many of us will have such
long-lasting success?
As with gardens
castles have had innumerable books written about them quoting design, styles,
ages and so on. I think that one or two notes are helpful in distinguishing the
various types and the logical development.
The castles that we
use as our standard are those built between the 11th and 16th centuries in
Great Britain and Northern Europe. The English castle whose design was imported
from Normandy following the Norman invasion of 1066 was essentially defensive.
The Normans had to hold down a belligerent conquered people and their way was
to build a network of castles. William the Conqueror has a ring established
around London, including Rochester, Windsor and Berkampstead. These in
conjunction with the Tower of London - the White Tower then - acted as a screen
around the capital.
As it was said
these castles were essentially defensive, designed to protect the Norman
families who were granted the land by William. They originally consisted of a
mound of earth thrown up with a tower or 'keep' on top, possibly surrounded by
a palisade around the bottom and in turn frequently surrounded by a moat. The
palisade contained the bailey. The keep was not living quarters normally but a
last line of defense in case of attack and the main living area was the bailey
where the Lord had a comfortable hall and where there were houses for his
soldiers and retainers and their families, stables for the animals as well as
the various necessary service buildings, blacksmith, farrier, armourer, etc. In
the case of sustained attack the whole countryside include villagers and their
beasts could be taken into the bailey for protection and in dire necessity the
whole would be withdrawn into the keep.
Originally because
of the urgency needed to get them erected these structures were of wood but, as
they were vulnerable to fire, quite soon the King insisted that they be built
of stone. One of the first of these was the White Tower in the center of the
Tower of London. These more substantial buildings soon became home to the Lord
and his retainers. It is an axiom of military design that each improvement in
design creates its own destruction as the attacker soon learns to overcome the
latest technology. Thus castle building became a never ending program of
updating to create defensive protection. The keep had its own curtain wall with
watchtowers. These were originally built square but it was soon found that it
was easy for an attacker to use the square shape to protect himself against
defenders and also undermine the corners of the tower. A corner would be
undermined and the whole area filled with wooden props to support it. Then
pigskins filled with oil and fat would be placed in the cavity and ignited. As
the flames destroyed the props so the tower crumbled. An example of this can be
seen at Rochester where the undermining of one square corner tower is quite
clear before it was rebuilt as round tower.
Castle building
grew apace and it became necessary to protect the original curtain wall with
its own wall culminating in castles like the Tower of London where there are
several concentric rings. England became more settled and by the middle of the
fifteenth century in Southern and Middle England except for the King and
powerful barons the smaller landowner had found that a more peaceful country
made the castle unnecessary. He had had found the castle drafty, cold and
uncomfortable and created 'fortified manor house'. This still had strong walls
for defense but also had larger windows and more doors while the interior was
of wood, rather than stone, to make the whole warmer and a less confrontational
design. From then on we get the development of the 'stately home' and palace
without any defensive capabilities and from these in turn produced the great
Tudor mansions of which Hatfield House and Penshurst Place are typical and in
which defense has no part. Peace was now assumed and the history of English
castle building reached its end.
In the north of
England it was not so easy and until the reign of Henry VIII there were still
border attacks. The castles remained strong and well defended until well into
the sixteenth century. Thus for hundreds of years the Duke of Northumberland
remained influential as much because of the soldiers he could muster as his
Location: Kent
When William the
Conqueror defeated Harold II at Hastings he headed towards Dover where the
Angle-Saxons had already raised a burh. William improved this fortification by
erecting a motte-and-bailey. Dover Castle has the most massive tower in
Britain, an almost 100-foot cube with walls from seventeen to twenty-one feet
thick. In 1216 the castle was besieged by Louis, son of the French king but
saved when Louis returned to France.
Overlooking Dover
Harbour, the shortest sea-route to the Continent it barred the way of anybody
trying to invade England. Early in the 19th century Napoleon stood opposite on
the cliffs of Calais and through his telescope surveyed Dover. With the British
navy controlling the seas and the steep cliffs beneath the castle he decided
against an invasion of England, immediately turned round and invaded Russia
instead. Hitler followed the same pattern and again after contemplating the
problem decided to invade Russia instead. Beneath the castle are the secret
wartime passages where the evacuation of Dunkirk and the Channel sea battle was
Warwick Castle
Location: Warwick Country
Warwick Castle was
founded in 1068 and was rebuilt and updated a number of times. Today it
combines castle ruins, largely of the fourteenth century with one of the finest
great houses in England. Two small projecting towers, which date to the late
fifteenth century are said to have built as artillery platforms. Warwick Castle
rises like a precipice above the River Avon. On this natural cliff William I
founded a motte castle in 1068, on lands seized from a nearby Saxon convent. A
wooden tower built on the motte was evidently still there in the reign of Henry
II, by which time a polygonal shell enclosure had been raised round the motte
top. Only fragments of the shell enclosure now remain, incorporated in the
rebuilt shell, which is of much later date.
Late in the
fourteenth century, by which time some additional buildings such as the great
hall and residential blocks had been put up in the bailey, the castle passed to
Earl Beauchamp who initiated a fresh programme of works. These were
substantially what can be seen today. They included restructuring the great
hall and a range of other buildings on the south-east, a water-gate, and on the
west front a high and stout defensive curtain leading from a gatehouse to a
very tall polygonal tower, known as Guy's Tower, which is 39.4 metres tall. The
gatehouse is a remarkable building: a pair of towers above the doorway passage,
which had portcullises and murder-holes. Projecting from the east side of the
gatehouse is a tall rectangular building leading to another tower.
This latter tower
is 45.2 meters tall and capped by a two-fold system of battlements with
machicolation all round below the battlements. It is called Caesar's Tower. The
three main storeys in the tower are each vaulted, and have stone fireplaces.
The castle is
completed by curtain walling and further, much smaller, flanking towers. The
wall at the west leads up the motte to the restored shell enclosure and down
again southwards to the south range. The
whole is thus a powerfully defended enclosure
Leeds Castle
Location: Kent
Leeds Castle,
acclaimed as the most romantic castle in England, is located in south-east
England, built on two adjacent island in the river Len.
Leeds Castle was
originally a manor of the Saxon royal family possibly as early as the reign of
Ethelbert IV ( 856-860). The first castle was an earthwork enclosure whose
wooden palisade was converted to stone and provided with two towers along the
perimeter. This is now vanished. Traces of arches in a vault thought to be
Norman were found at the beginning of this century.
Around 1119 Robert
Crevecoeur started to build a stone castle on the site, establishing his donjon
where the Gloriette now is. Stephen, Count of Blois, and his cousin the Empress
Matilda contested the crown of England. In 1139 Matilda invaded England with
the help of his brother Robert, Earl of Gloucester, who held Leeds castle, but
Kent was loyal to king Stephen and following a short siege he took control of
the castle.
The castle came
into the possession of Edward I (1278) . He rebuilt much of the castle as it
stood at the beginning of his reign, and enlarged it, providing an outer stone
curtain round the edge of the larger island, with cylindrical open-backed
flanking towers and a square-plan water-gate on the south-east. The gatehouse
at the south-west, a single tower pierced by an arched passage was improved.
Later on, King Edward, the Confessor granted the manor to the powerful house of
Henry VIII, the
most famous of all the owners of Leeds Castles, expended large sums in nlarging and beautifying the whole range of buildings. At the same time, he carefully
retained the defenses of the castle for he often had cause to fear invasion
from either France or the Spanish . The king entrusted the work of alteration
to his great friend Sir Henry Guidford.
Leeds has been
constantly inhabited and rebuilt since then. Most of the castle today is the
result of the nineteenth-century reconstruction and addition. In 1926 Leeds was
bought by the Hon. Mrs. Wilson-Filmer, known as Lady Baillie. Immediately she
began the restoration of the castle that took her over 30 years to leave it as
it stands today.
There are many myths
and legends surrounding castle sieges. Knights in shining armor riding up to
the castle, doing hand to hand combat. Or maybe hundreds of guards streaming
out of the castles to meet their enemy. None of this is true, except in fairy
tales and movies.
Most of the time,
the attacking force would send a messenger to the lord of the castle and give
notice of their intentions to attack. This notice allowed the castle to
surrender. Sometimes the lord surrendered, but most often the castle was
restocked and made ready for the siege. They would restock themselves with
food, supplies and drink, and add men to the garrison.
There were three
ways to take a castle. The first is not to attack the castle at all - just
avoid the castle altogether and seize the lands around it. The second is direct
assault, or laying siege to the castle. The last is besieging.
Here is an account
of a siege. Stone throwing mangonels attack the towers and walls every day. The
walls of the castles would hopefully be breached, and towers damaged. The enemy
erects wooden towers called belfries, taller than the castle towers, to conceal
and enable bow men to shoot arrows down into the castle. While this is going
on, miners would be tunneling under the walls and towers of the castle in
preparation to collapse them.
To counter the
mining, anti-mining tunnels could be dug by the castle soldiers, which insured
a ferocious hand-to-hand battle underground. Inside the castle, the guards
would place a pot of water near the castle towers and walls. When the water
rippled, they would know enemy miners were at work underneath them.
The barbican is
next assaulted and taken, with a loss of men on both sides. Then the bailey is
attacked, and more men killed. Animals and some supplies would be captured. The
auxiliary buildings containing hay and grain for the castle are burned. By now,
miners have succeeded in collapsing a wall of the castle. The attackers have
broken through and seized the inner bailey. More men on both sides would be
lost in this phase of the attack.
By this time, the
castle defenders would have retreated to the keep. Miners would now be setting
fire to the mine tunnel under the keep. The keep. Smoke and fire are rising into the keep,
and cracks appearing in the thick walls. The defenders of the castle are forced
to surrender as the castle falls to the enemy.
The third method,
called besieging, would require the enemy to wait and starve the castle
garrison into surrender. This method was preferred by an attacking side. Some
sieges of this type would last from six months to a year. Sometimes, the enemy
would hurl dead animals into the castle grounds in hopes of spreading diseases.
And, sometimes the lord of the castle would toss dead animals outside his
castle, to convince the enemy they had enough supplies to carry on a siege for
What story would be
complete without a haunted castle. Here is some of the castles that are
reportedly haunted in England.
Berry Pomeroy
Castle, Devon Said to be haunted by the daughter of a wicked baron who, as a
consequence of an enforced relationship with her father, bore him a child,
which he strangled.
Dover Castle, Kent
Dover Castle is associated with numerous ghosts and strange sounds. In the
King's bedroom, the lower half of a man has been seen walking through the
doorway. The specter of a woman dressed in a red dress has been seen at the
west stairway of the keep. The sounds of a creaking doorway opening and closing
where a door used to be, but isn't anymore, have been heard.
Castle, Northumberland The castle is associated with a ghostly bridal party.
Baron Featherstonehaugh had arranged for his daughter to marry a relative of
his choice, even though the daughter was in love with someone else. The wedding
party left for the "traditional hunt" after the wedding, leaving the
baron behind to make arrangements for the banquet. When the party failed to
return by midnight, the baron began to fear the worst. Sitting alone at the
table, he heard horses crossing the drawbridge. The door opened and the party
entered. But, they made no sound and passed through furniture. The wedding
party had been ambushed and killed. On the anniversary of the wedding, the
party can still be seen heading towards the castle. .
Lowther Castle,
Cumbria Haunted by Sir James Lowther. He was very unhappy with a prearranged
marriage, and fell in love with a farmer's daughter. When she suddenly grew ill
and died, Sir James refused to believe she was dead and left her on the bed.
She was finally moved and placed in a coffin with a glass lid, which he set in
a cupboard where he could look at her. She was finally buried, and Sir James
died unloved and unmourned. At his funeral his coffin began to sway as it was
lowered into the ground. His spectral coach and ungroomed horses can be seen
being driven through the parklands of the castle.
Tower of London In
1816, a guard saw what he described afterwards as "a shadowy bear walking
up the stairs in the twilight." He lunged at it with his bayonet, which
shattered against the wall. The ghostly presence walked on unaffected and the
guard, having told his unlikely story to others, died of shock a few days
Windsor Castle,
Berkshire Queen Elizabeth I's ghost has been seen in the library. A young guard
shot and killed himself and another guard on duty saw him afterwards.
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